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Pathological studies on systemic mycoses in calves.

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Systemic mycoses were found in 19 (4.7%) of 406 calves less than 6 months old which were autopsied during the past 10 years. Alimentary mycosis occurred in 12 (63.2%) of 19 cases. In alimentary mycosis, mucormycosis showed the highest rate of occurrence (91.7%, 11/12 calves) followed by

[Manifestations of systemic mycoses and related infections in the central nervous system].

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In daily practice mycotic infections of the CNS have become more and more frequent. The main causes are the wide-ranging use of corticosteroids, immunosuppressive, cytostatic drugs and antibiotics, the spreading of AIDS, the increasing number of surviving immature newborns. To illustrate the

Host-parasite relationship in opportunistic mycoses.

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Aspergillosis and mucormycosis are opportunistic fungal infections that share several unique features. The etiologic agents of aspergillosis and mucormycosis are ubiquitous in the environment, but are opportunistic organisms and usually infect only patients predisposed by some underlying disease or

[Mycotic complications in acute leukemia (personal observations and review of the literature)].

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The authors reported some data on the frequency and spectrum of mycotic infections in 76 adult patients with different types of acute leukemia over the last 3 years. The growth of fungi of various species was noted in 50 (23%) of 213 bacteriological tests, candidomycetes being the most common type.

Comparative virulence of Candida albicans strains in CFW1 mice and Sprague-Dawley rats.

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To verify host-species specificities of virulence of Candida albicans in experimental systemic mycoses, 10 ATCC strains of Candida albicans, were compared for their virulence in CFW1 mice and Sprague-Dawley rats. Virulence was parallel in mice and rats, four strains were avirulent (ATCC 10231,

Incidence and impact of adverse effects of medical care on complications in patients who underwent excision of cervical lymph nodes.

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OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence and impact of adverse effects of medical care in patients who underwent excision of cervical lymph nodes. METHODS Data from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample for the years 2009 and 2010 were used. The outcome variables were complications. The independent variables

The challenge of invasive fungal infection.

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Systemic fungal infections cause almost 25% of the infection-related deaths in leukaemic patients. Particularly those with prolonged neutropenia are at risk but mycoses also feature in critically ill intensive care patients and in individuals who are treated for solid tumours and AIDS, or who

Repair of fungal aortic prosthetic valve endocarditis associated with periannular abscess.

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The incidence of prosthetic valve endocarditis is 2-4%; in most cases the involved organisms are Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staph. aureus. Fungal endocarditis is much less common (incidence < 0.1%), but it is often fatal, with a long-term mortality rate of 90-100%. Most fungal endocarditis cases

[Glucocorticoid-induced cutaneous adverse events].

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Glucocorticoids are largely used in therapy for many diseases with a noteworthy efficacy. However, the use of glucocorticoids by a systemic or local way (topical or inhaled) is associated with numerous cutaneous side effects. Long duration of treatment and high dosage are associated with more severe

Multisystemic fusariosis with fulminant evolution

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This report presents the case of a 13-year-old female patient with history of acute myeloid leukemia, who, after a bone marrow transplant, began to vomit and experienced rapidly progressive deterioration of consciousness, in addition to disseminated erythematous-violaceous macules, and some blisters

[Hospital infection of bronchopulmonary aspergillosis in infants and small children].

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Routine histological investigations of the lungs of 38 children led to the discovery during the second half of 1970 of 4 cases of pulmonary aspergillosis in hospitalized children between 3 1/2 weeks and 2 years of age. Those cases represented 10.5% of all children, autopsiated during this period
Opportunistic pulmonary infections are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with chemotherapeutically treated neoplasias. With increasingly aggressive cytotoxic regimens causing prolonged neutropenia, the risk of systemic mycoses and in particular of invasive pulmonary

[A pathological study on cerebral mycosis].

Rakstu tulkošanu var veikt tikai reģistrēti lietotāji
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The histopathological examination was performed in search of cerebral mycosis in autopsy cases at our department during the 6 years from 1976 to 1981. The cerebral mycoses were histopathologically verified in seven cases, although brain tissue was examined in only 46% of 528 autopsy cases. All cases

Fungal infections.

Rakstu tulkošanu var veikt tikai reģistrēti lietotāji
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Fungal infections have increased in frequency in the last decades because of the growing number of immunocompromised patients who survive longer periods of time than in the past, the widespread use of immunosuppressive drugs, a large aging population with increased numbers of malignancies, and the

Prevalence and impact of complications on hospitalization outcomes following surgical repair for craniosynostosis.

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OBJECTIVE The objective of the present study was to examine the association between different types of complications and hospitalization outcomes in patients having surgical repair for craniosynostosis. METHODS The Nationwide Inpatient Sample for 2004 through 2010 was used. All patients up to 3
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