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Headache after resection of acoustic neuroma.

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Long-lasting severe headaches are reported to occur in up to 83% of patients who have undergone resection of acoustic neuroma, especially through a suboccipital approach. These headaches, however, are not well defined. The objective of this study was to assess the frequency and character of

Chronic daily headaches secondary to greater auricular and lesser occipital neuromas following endolymphatic shunt surgery.

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In head and neck surgery, peripheral sensory nerves are at risk for traumatic injury. These injuries are known to be peripheral triggers of chronic headaches if left untreated or unrecognised. We report the case of a patient that presented with a severe headache, nausea and emesis of 2 years

Split calvarial graft cranioplasty for the prevention of headache after retrosigmoid resection of acoustic neuromas.

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OBJECTIVE This study describes the technique and efficacy of split calvarial graft cranioplasty for the reconstruction of retrosigmoid/suboccipital defects following surgery for acoustic neuromas. METHODS A prospective study of the technique of split calvarial graft cranioplasty, its postoperative

Intractable headache after excision of an acoustic neuroma treated by stent revascularisation of the sigmoid sinus.

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A 47 year old man developed severe headaches after resection of an acoustic neuroma ipsilateral to non dominant venous drainage. CSF pressures were normal but imaging studies showed acquired, severe narrowing of the sigmoid sinus where it traversed the surgical defect. Stenting the sinus gave a

Scar neuromas as triggers for headache after craniotomy: clinical evidence.

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We present four cases of headache with variable intensity, located in close proximity to a craniotomy incision which was performed for non-traumatic reasons. Since manual palpation of the scar often triggers pain, and infiltration with local anesthetics reduce or abolish the pain in some patients,

Postoperative headache in acoustic neuroma.

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Recently, it has become obvious that disabling postoperative headache is a major problem with acoustic neuroma surgery. A questionnaire was used to retrospectively evaluate the incidence, clinical features, prognosis and possible therapeutic measures of this particular form of headache. Forty-two

Divalproex sodium and other medications for headache following craniotomy for acoustic neuroma.

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Multiple pharmacologic agents were used in attempt to relieve a constant and severe headache in a 47-year-old patient following craniotomy for removal of an acoustic neuroma. Possible etiologies for the unremitting headache are presented. Response to various pharmacologic agents are listed and

Cephalgia secondary to neuroma in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis: a case report.

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A case is presented in which a 26-year-old male with intermittent headaches of many years duration, presents to the Arlington chiropractic Clinic for evaluation and therapy. Routine palpation of the painful area reveals a small mass in the region of the greater occipital nerve. Microscopic

Headache after acoustic neuroma excision.

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The retrosigmoid approach to acoustic neuroma removal has recently been criticized for causing frequent and severe headache postoperatively. We review 331 patients who had acoustic neuroma removal by the retrosigmoid approach at one institution. The incidence of postoperative headache was 23 percent
OBJECTIVE On the basis of survey results of the Acoustic Neuroma Association (ANA), we report patient ratings of postoperative headache (POH) symptoms, determine its effect on quality of life (QOL), and review the literature regarding POH after acoustic neuroma (AN) treatment. METHODS In this cohort

Impact of cranioplasty on headache after acoustic neuroma removal.

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We reported previously the incidence of headache after the retrosigmoid removal of an acoustic neuroma as 23% at 3 months, declining to 9% at 2 years after surgery. In an attempt to reduce the incidence and the severity of these headaches, we made one change in our surgical procedure, which was to

Determinants and impact of headache after acoustic neuroma surgery.

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Headache after acoustic neuroma surgery is known to occur clinically, but has not been studied systematically until recently. In the present study, 155 patients were surveyed regarding their experience of headache and associated symptoms following resection of an acoustic neuroma: 73 percent (n =

Headache syndromes after acoustic neuroma surgery and their implications for quality of life.

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The patients of this prospective study were analysed for headache as a sequela of surgery for acoustic neuroma (AN). Thirty-two per cent (30/95) of patients complained about a persisting headache syndrome with a severity of at least 6/10 on the nominal analogue scale 6 months after surgery. The
OBJECTIVE To demonstrate that occipital nerve injury is associated with chronic postoperative headache in patients who have undergone acoustic neuroma excision and to determine whether occipital nerve excision is an effective treatment for these headaches. BACKGROUND Few previous reports have

Headaches after acoustic neuroma surgery.

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Headache and depression were studied in patients who had undergone operation for acoustic neuroma. A questionnaire with headache and Beck Depression Inventory scale were sent to 228 patients, of whom 192 (84%) responded. Preoperative headache was reported by 61 (32%) of the respondents (47 migraine
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