Haitian Creole

night terrors/galvassāpes

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The sleep habits and sleep disorders in children with headache.

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OBJECTIVE The study was conducted to examine the sleep habits and sleep disorders in children and adolescents with headache. METHODS Three hundred children with headache were qualified to a headache group (HG) and 284 children from schools and kindergartens without headache to a control group

Cluster headaches simulating parasomnias.

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Nocturnal episodes of agitated arousal in otherwise healthy young children are often related to nonrapid eye movement parasomnias (night terrors). However, in patients with acute onset or increased frequency of parasomnias, organic causes of discomfort must be excluded. We report four young children

A case report of sleep terrors exacerbated by cetirizine

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Sleep terrors are a type of sleep disorder that is classified as parasomnias and is more common in children than in adults. Cetirizine is a histamine H1 antagonist that is FDA approved for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and urticaria and has the common adverse effects of drowsiness and

Sleep terrors antecedent is common in adolescents with migraine.

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Migraines and sleep terrors (STs) are highly prevalent disorders with striking similarities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the antecedent of STs by comparing adolescents suffering from migraines with healthy controls in a large consecutive series. METHODS All patients were

Activation of EEG recordings by graded sleep deprivation.

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Part I. The EEG recordings of 434 patients were activated by graded sleep deprivation. In clinically manifest epilepsies with a predominantly negative EEG tracing at rest the incidence of epileptic manifestations increased after sleep deprivation from 18.03% to 59.01%, in clinically suspect

Neurologic disorders masquerading as pediatric sleep problems.

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Neurologic disorders may present or masquerade as pediatric sleep problems and fool the pediatrician, which may delay diagnosis and treatment. Many of the sleep problems in children with neurologic disorders arise directly from primary dysfunction or delayed maturation of their sleep-wake regulation

Centro-temporal spikes in non-epileptic children: a long-term follow up.

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OBJECTIVE This study was undertaken in order to determine the natural evolution of centro-temporal spikes (CTS) in a healthy paediatric population. METHODS Forty children and adolescents (mean age +/- SD: 9.9 +/- 4.1 years) with non-epileptic disturbances (tics, headache, pavor nocturnus, vertigo,

Interobserver reliability of ICSD-3 diagnostic criteria for disorders of arousal in adults.

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Disorders of arousal include confusional arousals, sleepwalking and sleep terrors. The diagnosis of disorders of arousal is based on the clinical criteria established in the International Classification of Sleep Disorders, third edition, although the interobserver reliability of these

Homogeneous clinical subgroups in children with Tourette syndrome.

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The existence of two clinically homogeneous subgroups in Tourette syndrome, depending upon the presence or absence of migraine or a family history of migraine, is suggested. Patients with Tourette syndrome who have migraine (n = 18) were found to have a significantly higher prevalence of disorders

Cardiovascular and neuroendocrine features of Panayiotopoulos syndrome in three siblings.

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OBJECTIVE Panayiotopoulos syndrome is a benign idiopathic childhood epilepsy characterized by altered autonomic activity at seizure onset. METHODS Three siblings with Panayiotopoulos syndrome underwent 24-hour EEG recording and head-up tilt testing with continuous blood pressure and RR interval

Nocturnal psychophysiological correlates of somatic conditions and sleep disorders.

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Modern sleep research studies have provided the practicing physician with considerable new information concerning the basic psychophysiology of sleep, the effects of medical conditions on sleep and the role of maturational and emotional factors in producing certain sleep disorders. Medical and

Lifetime prevalence and incidence of parasomnias in a population of young adult Nigerians.

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Lifetime prevalence, incidence, and risk factors for parasomnias were determined. Past experiences of non-REM, REM, and sleep-transition parasomnias were recorded. Diaries of night sleep duration, parasomnias, perception of aliens, levels of physical activity, headaches and intake of all substances,

Psychopathology of school going children in the age group of 10-15 years.

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BACKGROUND Psychiatric problems in children are rising and reported cases represent only the tip of the iceberg; large number remains unreported in India. There is limited data on childhood mental disorders and mental health needs in Northern-India. OBJECTIVE The main objective of this research was

[Types of diagnosis in the outpatient practice during the years 2006-2007].

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BACKGROUND In recent years significant increase of children reffered to neurological consultations has been observed. Also structure of diagnosis has changed fundamentally. OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to reveal differentiated structure of diagnosis in children reffered to neurology outpatient

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in children: Epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and sequelae.

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The prevalence of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is approximately 3% in children. Adenotonsillar hypertrophy is the most common cause of OSAS in children, and obesity, hypotonic neuromuscular diseases, and craniofacial anomalies are other major risk factors. Snoring is the most
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