Haitian Creole


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New cyclopentenone fatty acids formed from linoleic and linolenic acids in potato.

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[1-14C]Linoleic acid was incubated with a whole homogenate preparation from potato stolons. The reaction product contained four major labeled compounds, i.e., the alpha-ketol 9-hydroxy-10-oxo-12(Z)-octadecenoic acid (59%), the epoxy alcohol 10(S),11(S)-epoxy-9(S)-hydroxy-12(Z)-octadecenoic acid

Metabolism of deuterium-labeled jasmonic acid and OPC 8:0 in the potato plant (Solanum tuberosum L.).

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The metabolism of deuterium-labeled (+/-)-jasmonicacid and 3-oxo-2-[(Z)pent-2'-enyl]-cyclopentan-1- octanoic acid in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) was examined by using cultures of potato single-node stems. Deuterium-labeled (+/-)-jasmonic acid and 3-oxo-2-[(Z) pent-2'-enyl]cyclopentan-1-octanoic

Traditional Malian Solid Foods Made from Sorghum and Millet Have Markedly Slower Gastric Emptying than Rice, Potato, or Pasta.

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From anecdotal evidence that traditional African sorghum and millet foods are filling and provide sustained energy, we hypothesized that gastric emptying rates of sorghum and millet foods are slow, particularly compared to non-traditional starchy foods (white rice, potato, wheat pasta). A human
Parasitic nematodes produce at least two structurally novel classes of small helix-rich retinol- and fatty-acid-binding proteins that have no counterparts in their plant or animal hosts and thus represent potential targets for new nematicides. Here we describe a protein (Gp-FAR-1) from the

Aroma-active components of nonfat dry milk.

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Application of aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA) on the volatile components of low-, medium-, and high-heat-treated nonfat dry milks (NDM) revealed aroma-active compounds in the log(3) flavor dilution (log(3) FD) factor range of 1 to 6. The following compounds contributed the highest log(3) FD

Effects of cefaclor on gastric emptying and cholecystokinin release in healthy humans.

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OBJECTIVE In rodents, cephalosporin antibiotics can mimic peptones and stimulate release of cholecystokinin (CCK), a hormone that slows gastric emptying. The rate of gastric emptying is a major determinant of postprandial blood glucose and insulin concentrations. We therefore evaluated the effect of

Antimicrobial efficacy of medium chain fatty acids as root canal irrigants: An in vitro study.

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Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans are the microbes that are most resistant to elimination by disinfecting agents and are the causative agents for reinfection of the root canal treated teeth. Medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs), which are the main components of coconut oil, are

Changes in meal composition and duration affect postprandial endothelial function in healthy humans.

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Endothelial function, measured by flow-mediated dilatation (FMD), predicts cardiovascular events and is impaired postprandially. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of changes in composition or duration of ingestion of a meal, which slows gastric emptying and/or small intestinal
The aims of the present study were to quantify colostrum intake (CI) of piglets using the D2O dilution technique, to develop a mechanistic model to predict CI, to compare these data with CI predicted by a previous empirical predictive model developed for bottle-fed piglets, and to study how
The experiment was conducted to assess the effects of maternal nutrition in late gestation on glycogen pools of newborn piglets of different birth weights and to assess how rapidly the glycogen pools in the liver and 3 muscles are mobilized during fasting. Until d 108 of gestation, 48 sows were fed

Title: Differentiating the effects of whey protein and guar gum preloads on postprandial glycemia in type 2 diabetes.

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Whey protein and guar gum have both been reported to reduce postprandial glycemia in health and type 2 diabetes, associated with stimulation of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and/or slowing of gastric emptying. Our aim was to evaluate, in type 2 diabetes, the acute effects of low dose

Effects of different sweet preloads on incretin hormone secretion, gastric emptying, and postprandial glycemia in healthy humans.

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BACKGROUND Macronutrient "preloads" can stimulate glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), slow gastric emptying, and reduce postprandial glycemic excursions. After sweet preloads, these effects may be signaled by sodium-glucose cotransporter-1 (SGLT1),

Natural variability in acyl moieties of sugar esters produced by certain tobacco and other Solanaceae species.

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A unique feature of glandular trichomes of plants in the botanical family Solanaceae is that they produce sugar esters (SE), chemicals that have been shown to possess insecticidal, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. Sugar esters of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) provide pest resistance, and are

Gastric Emptying in Patients With Well-Controlled Type 2 Diabetes Compared With Young and Older Control Subjects Without Diabetes.

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Gastric emptying is a major determinant of postprandial glycemia and is often delayed in long-standing, complicated type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). However, there is little information about gastric emptying in well-controlled T2DM.To evaluate the rate of

Volatile flavor components of stored nonfat dry milk.

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Nonfat dry milk (NDM) is widely used both as an ingredient in other preparations and for direct consumption. Flavor quality of NDM is a critical parameter because it can directly impact final product quality. Flavors can be formed in NDM during subsequent storage. Identification of compounds
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