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panic disorder/aptaukošanās

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Eighty-two women, presenting as normal-weight bulimics, obese binge eaters, social phobics, and individuals with panic disorder, were compared on anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. All were administered the Anxiety Disorder Interview Schedule-Revised and completed the Michigan Alcohol

Does panic disorder increase the risk of coronary heart disease? A cohort study of a national managed care database.

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OBJECTIVE The association between panic disorder (PD) and coronary heart disease (CHD) was examined in a large national managed care database. METHODS The Integrated Health Care Information Services managed care database is a fully de-identified, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability

Anxiety disorders and obesity.

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Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental disorders in developed countries. On the other hand, obesity is recognized to be one of the greatest public health problems worldwide.The connection between body weight and mental disorders remains an open issue. Low body weight has been studied enough

Association of binge eating disorder and psychiatric comorbidity in obese subjects.

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OBJECTIVE The authors determined the prevalence of binge eating disorder in a self-referred study group of moderately and severely obese subjects and investigated whether binge eating disorder was associated with psychiatric disorders, a history of psychotherapy, a family history of psychiatric

Medical and psychiatric morbidity in obese women with and without binge eating.

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OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence of obesity and binge eating in a population-based sample of female twins and to examine whether the presence of binge eating was associated with a greater risk for medical and psychiatric disorders in obese women. METHODS A population-based study of twins who

A possible association between panic disorder and a polymorphism in the preproghrelingene.

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The aim of the study was to investigate whether polymorphisms in the preproghrelin gene are associated with anxiety disorders, such as panic disorder, in humans. Panic disorder is a severe anxiety disorder, characterized by sudden attacks of intense fear or anxiety in combination with somatic
OBJECTIVE This study examined associations of overweight, obesity, and extreme obesity with sociodemographic characteristics and specific DSM-IV Axis I and II disorders among men and women. METHODS Face-to-face interviews were conducted in a large national survey of the adult U.S. population

Panic disorder in older adults: evidence from the national epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions.

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OBJECTIVE This study aims to investigate: (1) the association of panic disorder with childhood parental loss and recent stressful life events; (2) the co-existence of panic disorder with major depressive disorder (MDD) as well as alcohol dependence; and (3) the impact of panic disorder on medical

Prevalence and correlates of being overweight or obese in college.

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Recent statistics indicate that over one-third of college students are currently overweight or obese, however, the impact of weight in this population from academic and psychiatric perspectives is not fully understood. This study sought to examine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in college

[Chest pain and anxiety-panic disorders in a primary care clinic].

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Chest pain is one of the most common complaints in primary care clinics. About 10-30% of patients with chest pain diagnosed as suffering from angina pectoris have normal coronary angiograms. Some of them suffer from psychiatric disorders. We present a 47-year-old man with several risk factors for
Growing evidence points to a relationship between obesity and both mood and anxiety disorders, but the question of what accounts for this association remains unanswered. The present study examined the use of psychotropic medications as a mediator of the mood/anxiety disorder-obesity relationship.

Newly diagnosed panic disorder and the risk of erectile dysfunction: A population-based cohort study in Taiwan.

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Previous studies indicated that panic disorder is correlated with erectile dysfunction (ED). The primary aim of this study was to explore the incidence rate of ED among panic disorder patients in an Asian country. The secondary aim was to compare the risk of ED in panic disorder patients that were

Association between binge eating disorder and psychiatric comorbidity profiles in patients with obesity seeking bariatric surgery.

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BACKGROUND Eating disorders could be an important factor in the development of obesity, but psychiatric comorbidities are very heterogeneous in patients with obesity. Moreover, relationship between binge eating disorder and other psychiatric comorbidities is not clear. Our objective was to identify
OBJECTIVE This study evaluated associations between body mass index (BMI) and psychiatric disorders. METHODS Data from 41,654 respondents in the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions were analyzed. RESULTS After controlling for demographics, the continuous variable of BMI
Although the importance of sympathetic nervous activation in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension is well documented, the exact pathophysiology of the sympathetic nervous dysfunction present remains to be delineated. This review details three relatively new findings of disturbed sympathetic
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