4 rezultātiem
In the developing seed coat of Pisum elatius, o-dihydroxyphenols are present in appreciable amounts at all stages of development. However, catechol oxidase activity rises sharply during the later stages of development, shows a further abrupt rise during dehydration of the seed coat, and then
Enzyme activity is not uniformly distributed through the cotyledon of Pisum arvense. Initially the peripheral region, certain scattered cells of the storage tissue and the procambium show a high level of activity of succinic dehydrogenase, cytochrome oxidase, acid phosphatase and esterase. Activity
The seed coat of Pisum elatius is normally impermeable to water. When seeds are dried in the absence of oxygen their coats are totally permeable to water. Structural differences are observed between permeable and impermeable seed coats. In the genus Pisum, species with normally impermeable seed
The seed coats of S. spinosa (prickly sida, Malvaceae) become impermeable to water during seed development on the mother plant. After the seeds have dehydrated during the final maturation stages, piercing of seed coats is necessary to induce imbibition of water and germination. Onset of