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Placental abruption among singleton and twin births in the United States: risk factor profiles.

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The authors performed a population-based epidemiologic study to evaluate and contrast risk factor profiles for placental abruption among singleton and twin gestations. Data were derived from linked US birth/infant death files for 1995 and 1996, comprising 7,465,858 singleton births and 193,266 twin

Transabdominal chorionic villus sampling in the second and third trimesters of high-risk pregnancies.

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Late chorionic villus sampling (placental biopsy) under ultrasound guidance was carried out in 800 (80 per cent) cases in the second trimester and 200 (20 per cent) cases in the third trimester of pregnancy. Out of 1000 placental biopsies, 250 (25 per cent) were performed because of suspicious

Comparison between antenatal neurodevelopmental test and fetal Doppler in the assessment of fetal well being.

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OBJECTIVE The primary aim of this study was to compare circulatory changes in the fetal brain under certain pathological conditions with alterations in fetal behavior. METHODS A prospective longitudinal cohort study on fetal behavior of fetuses from singleton pregnancies between the 28th and 38th

Grandmultiparas in modern obstetrics.

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The objective of this study was to compare incidence of antenatal and intrapartum complications among women who had previously delivered five or more times (grandmultiparas cases, 155) with that of age-matched women with two to three previous deliveries (multiparas controls, 155) from 1998 to 2003.

Birth weights of infants of black and white mothers without pregnancy complications.

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An analysis of 10,159 normal spontaneous vaginal deliveries was performed to examine racial differences in mean birth weight of infants whose mothers were without antepartum or intrapartum medical complications of pregnancy. The study was limited to black and white infants of low-income mothers who

Hyperprostaglandin E syndrome: use of indomethacin and steroid, and death due to necrotizing enterocolitis and sepsis.

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Hyperprostaglandin E syndrome (HPS) is the antenatal variant of Bartter syndrome and characterized by polyhydramnios and preterm delivery in the antenatal period and salt-wasting, isosthenuric or hyposthenuric polyuria, hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis in the postnatal period. We report a
A congenital hypokalemic tubular disorder is described with many features resembling Bartter syndrome. Additional features include prenatal onset with polyhydramnios and premature labor; failure to thrive; episodes of fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and renal electrolyte and water wastage;

Severe hyperprostaglandin E syndrome with hyperthyroidism--studies of pathogenetic mechanisms.

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Hyperprostaglandin E syndrome is a rare disease usually presenting with renal symptoms such as polyuria, polyhydramnios, hypercalciuria, hypokalaemia, and recurrent episodes of extreme fever, diarrhoea, and convulsions. We report a severe variant of this syndrome with obvious pain and prostaglandin
Mutations in the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor (RYR1) gene have been linked to malignant hyperthermia susceptibility, central core disease, and minicore myopathy with external ophthalmoplegia. RYR1 is an intracellular calcium release channel and plays a crucial role in the

An epidemiologic study of environmental and genetic factors in congenital hydrocephalus.

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Risk factors were studied in 96 children with congenital hydrocephalus (CH) coming from 118,265 consecutive births of known outcome. Hydrocephalus with neural tube defects, intracranial tumors or secondary to brain atrophy were excluded. The prevalence of CH was 0.81 per thousand. Diagnosis was
Bartter-like syndrome encompasses a set of inherited renal tubular disorders associated with hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis, renal salt wasting, hyperreninemic hyperaldosteronism, and normal blood pressure. Antenatal Bartter syndrome, a subtype of Bartter-like syndrome, is characterized by

Dialysis and pregnancy--a case report and review of the literature.

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We report on a patient with an eight-year history on maintenance hemodialysis treatment without residual renal function in whom pregnancy was successfully managed through to the 29th week. During this time, under carefully modified dialysis treatment, the nephrologic course, as well as materno-fetal

Bartter syndrome in Costa Rica: a description of 20 cases.

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Bartter syndrome involves an overlapping set of closely related renal tubular disorders which can be subdivided into at least three clinical phenotypes: (1) classic Bartter syndrome (2) Gitelman syndrome, and (3) a neonatal variant of Bartter syndrome. In contrast to classic Bartter syndrome and

Bartter and related syndromes: the puzzle is almost solved.

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It is now evident that the term Bartter syndrome does not represent a unique entity but encompasses a variety of disorders of renal electrolyte transport. Application of molecular biology techniques has permitted a better understanding of these "Bartter-like syndromes," which at present can be

Variables influencing the integrity of lower uterine segment in post-cesarean pregnancy.

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BACKGROUND There is significant increase in proportion of cases with previous cesarean delivery requiring obstetric care. The available literature fails to provide uniform opinion on each woman's characteristics to identify risk of uterine rupture while planning trial of labor after
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