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[Presbycusis: neural degeneration and aging on the auditory receptor of C57/BL6J mice].

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Presbycusis is a progressive hearing impairment associated with aging, characterized by hearing loss and a degeneration of cochlear structures. In this paper we analyze the effects of aging on the auditory system of C57/BL6J mice, with electrophysiological and morphological studies. With this aim
Central presbycusis is the most common sensory disorder in the elderly population, however, the underlying molecular mechanism remains unclear. NF‑E2‑related factor 2 (Nrf2) is a key transcription factor in the cellular response to oxidative stress, however, the role of Nrf2 in central presbycusis

Insula and Amygdala Atrophy Are Associated With Functional Impairment in Subjects With Presbycusis.

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Hearing loss is an important risk factor for dementia. However, the mechanisms that relate these disorders are still unknown. As a proxy of this relationship, we studied the structural brain changes associated with functional impairment in activities of daily living in subjects with age related

α-Synuclein deficiency and efferent nerve degeneration in the mouse cochlea: a possible cause of early-onset presbycusis.

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OBJECTIVE Efferent nerves under the outer hair cells (OHCs) play a role in the protection of these cells from loud stimuli. Previously, we showed that cochlear α-synuclein expression is localized to efferent auditory synapses at the base of the OHCs. To prove our hypothesis that α-synuclein

Cingulate Cortex Atrophy Is Associated With Hearing Loss in Presbycusis With Cochlear Amplifier Dysfunction.

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Age-related hearing loss is associated with cognitive decline and has been proposed as a risk factor for dementia. However, the mechanisms that relate hearing loss to cognitive decline remain elusive. Here, we propose that the impairment of the cochlear amplifier mechanism is associated with

Gray Matter Atrophy Is Associated With Cognitive Impairment in Patients With Presbycusis: A Comprehensive Morphometric Study.

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Presbycusis (PC) is characterized by bilateral sensorineural hearing loss at high frequencies and speech-perception difficulties in noisy environments and has a strikingly detrimental impact on cognitive function. As the neural consequences of PC may involve the whole brain, we hypothesized that

Music Training and Education Slow the Deterioration of Music Perception Produced by Presbycusis in the Elderly.

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The perception of music depends on the normal function of the peripheral and central auditory system. Aged subjects without hearing loss have altered music perception, including pitch and temporal features. Presbycusis or age-related hearing loss is a frequent condition in elderly people, produced

[Implication of mitochondrial apoptosis in neural degeneration of cochlea in a murine model for presbycusis].

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OBJECTIVE Pathologies of senescence, in particular those of neurosensory organs represent an important health problem. The improvement of the life expectation entails the fast increase of the frequency of the presbyacusis in the population. The biological and molecular causes of this degenerative

[Research on presbycusis in patients with senile macular degeneration and treated with vitamin A and E (rovigon) or Roche 1-8307].

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Erratum: Cingulate Cortex Atrophy Is Associated With Hearing Loss in Presbycusis With Cochlear Amplifier Dysfunction.

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[This corrects the article on p. 97 in vol. 11, PMID: 31080411.].

Presbycusis occurs after cochlear implantation also: a retrospective study of pure tone thresholds over time.

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OBJECTIVE To assess aided soundfield pure tone thresholds after cochlear implantation in adults over time. METHODS Retrospective case review. METHODS Academic tertiary care center. METHODS Seventy-seven severe-to-profoundly deafened adults implanted with one of 5 different internal

Dietary restriction reduces age-related degeneration of stria vascularis in the inner ear of the rat.

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We report here beneficial effects of life-long dietary restriction on the progression of age-associated cochlear degeneration in female Sprague-Dawley rats. Thirty-month old rats on a 70% dietary restriction were compared to ad libitum fed age-matched rats, and three-month old adult rats. As

Neural presbycusis: a diagnostic dilemma.

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The combined term, sensorineural, is useful because clinical distinction between sensory and neural lesions is often difficult, and because sensory lesions may lead to secondary neural degeneration or, though rarely, a neural lesion may lead to secondary sensory degeneration. The threat of lawsuits

Transfer of accelerated presbycusis by transplantation of bone marrow cells from senescence-accelerated mice.

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Until now, there has been no effective therapy for chronic sensorineural hearing impairment. This study investigated the role of bone marrow cells (BMCs) in cochlear dysfunction. BALB/c mice (2 months of age), a non-presbycusis-prone mouse strain, were lethally irradiated and then transplanted with

Neuronal erythropoietin overexpression protects mice against age-related hearing loss (presbycusis).

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So far, typical causes of presbycusis such as degeneration of hair cells and/or primary auditory (spiral ganglion) neurons cannot be treated. Because erythropoietin's (Epo) neuroprotective potential has been shown previously, we determined hearing thresholds of juvenile and aged mice overexpressing
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