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Effects of presbycusis and other types of hearing loss on auditory brainstem responses.

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Auditory brainstem responses were studied in 373 healthy individuals of various ages and with sensorineural hearing loss of differing degrees. 209 subjects were elderly and had a hearing loss which included a component of presbycusis. The remainder were young or middle-aged with cochlear hearing
OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of stria vascularis atrophy in individuals with presbycusis and flat audiometric patterns of hearing loss. Individuals with presbycusis have historically been categorized by the shape of their audiograms, and flat audiometric

Likely Age-Related Hearing Loss (Presbycusis) in a Stranded Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin (Sousa chinensis).

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The hearing of a stranded Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) in Zhuhai, China, was measured. The age of this animal was estimated to be ~40 years. The animal's hearing was measured using a noninvasive auditory evoked potential (AEP) method. The results showed that the high-frequency

Association between the mitochondrial DNA 4977 common deletion in the hair shaft and hearing loss in presbycusis.

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The aim of the present study was to examine the role of the mitochondrial (mt) DNA common deletion (CD) 4977 (mtDNACD4977) in the hair shaft in patients with presbycusis. A total of 87 individuals with presbycusis and 95 normal‑hearing controls were selected based on strict audiometric criteria.

Hearing loss due to aging (presbycusis).

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Presbycusis is the progressive hearing loss caused by histologic changes due to aging. Schuknecht described four histopathologic types of presbycusis and correlated these findings to audiometric data. In a retrospective study, some strict criteria were set to distinguish the "pure" cases of
Between 3 and 25 months of age, light and electron microscopic features of principal neurons in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus of the C57BL/6 mouse were quantitated. This mouse strain has a genetic defect producing progressive sensorineural hearing loss which starts during young
The hearing and echolocation clicks of a stranded Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) in Zhuhai, China, were studied. This animal had been repeatedly observed in the wild before it was stranded and its age was estimated to be ~40 years. The animal's hearing was measured using a

[Presbycusis - Age Related Hearing Loss].

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Presbycusis or age related hearing loss can be defined as a progressive, bilateral and symmetrical sensorineural hearing loss due to age related degeneration of inner ear structures. It can be considered a multifactorial complex disorder with environmental and genetic factors. The molecular,

The functional age of hearing loss in a mouse model of presbycusis. I. Behavioral assessments.

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Presbycusis is a common form of hearing loss that progresses from high to low frequencies with advancing age. C57BL/6J mice experience a rapid progression of presbycusis-like hearing deficits and thus provide a convenient animal model for evaluating behavioral, physiological and anatomical

Cochlear neuropathy in human presbycusis: Confocal analysis of hidden hearing loss in post-mortem tissue.

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Recent animal work has suggested that cochlear synapses are more vulnerable than hair cells in both noise-induced and age-related hearing loss. This synaptopathy is invisible in conventional histopathological analysis, because cochlear nerve cell bodies in the spiral ganglion survive for years, and

Presbycusis phenotypes form a heterogeneous continuum when ordered by degree and configuration of hearing loss.

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Many reports have documented age-by-frequency increases in average auditory thresholds in various human populations. Despite this, the prevalence of different patterns of hearing loss in presbycusis remains uncertain. We examined 'presbycusis phenotypes' in a database of 960 subjects (552 female,

Cingulate Cortex Atrophy Is Associated With Hearing Loss in Presbycusis With Cochlear Amplifier Dysfunction.

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Age-related hearing loss is associated with cognitive decline and has been proposed as a risk factor for dementia. However, the mechanisms that relate hearing loss to cognitive decline remain elusive. Here, we propose that the impairment of the cochlear amplifier mechanism is associated with

Age-related hearing loss or presbycusis.

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Aging is a natural consequence of a society developing process. Although many adults retain good hearing as they aging, hearing loss related with age-presbycusis which can vary in severity from mild to substantial is common among elderly persons. There are a number of pathophysiological processes
OBJECTIVE The purpose of this retrospective case review was to identify patterns of cochlear element degeneration in individuals with presbycusis exhibiting downward sloping audiometric patterns of hearing loss and to correlate these findings with those reported in the literature to clarify

Low-frequency hearing loss in presbycusis. A central interpretation.

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Elderly subjects with a central phonemically balanced (PB) and synthetic sentence identification (SSI) pattern show greater low-frequency (LF) sensitivity loss than elderly subjects with a peripheral PB-SSI pattern. This LF hearing loss is not the simple consequence of age, nor does the LF hearing
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