Haitian Creole

primary ovarian insufficiency/fatigue

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Premature ovarian failure.

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Premature ovarian failure (POF) is a primary ovarian defect characterized by absent menarche (primary amenorrhea) or premature depletion of ovarian follicles before the age of 40 years (secondary amenorrhea). It is a heterogeneous disorder affecting approximately 1% of women <40 years, 1:10,000

Hormone replacement therapy in menopause and in premature ovarian insufficiency.

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Menopause is defined by world health organization (WHO) as the permanent cessation of menstruating resulting from a loss of ovarian follicular activity, after one year of amenorrhea. It signifies the last menstrual cycle and the end of women's fertile and reproductive life. The average age for a

Decreased androgen concentrations and diminished general and sexual well-being in women with premature ovarian failure.

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OBJECTIVE To describe general and sexual well-being in women with premature ovarian failure (POF) and to investigate whether there is a relationship between androgen levels and sexual functioning. METHODS Women with POF and healthy volunteers with regular menstrual cycles participated. Participants

Survivorship issues as determinants of quality of life after breast cancer treatment: Report from a limited resource setting.

Rakstu tulkošanu var veikt tikai reģistrēti lietotāji
Ielogoties Reģistrēties
OBJECTIVE Quality of life (QOL) in breast cancer survivors is affected by various long term sequelae of breast cancer treatment. The present study was conducted with the objectives to estimate prevalence of various survivorship issues, and to identify those which are most predictive of limitations

[Hypogonadism, a serious complication of chronic renal insufficiency].

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Hypogonadism is a frequent complication in patients with chronic renal insufficiency (CHRI). From a pathogenetic point of view, it is a disorder at the level of the hypothalamus caused by central inhibition of the pulsatile generation of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) and by a primary

[Preliminary study on relationship of disease-syndrome-symptom of ovulatory disorder infertility based on factor analysis].

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OBJECTIVE In this study, the clinical data of 240 cases of data acquisition on ovulation in patients with anovulatory infertility. METHODS Using the method of factor analysis, summed up the distribution situation of various syndromes and the relationship of disease-syndrome-symptom. RESULTS From the

Care of the adult Hodgkin lymphoma survivor.

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Of those individuals diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma, 85% will survive and may be affected by residual effects of their cancer and its therapy (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, stem cell transplantation). Hodgkin lymphoma survivors are at risk of developing secondary malignancies, cardiovascular

Androgen replacement in women: a commentary.

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There is increasing evidence to suggest that many postmenopausal women experience symptoms alleviated by androgen therapy and that such symptoms may be secondary to androgen deficiency. Affected women complain of fatigue, low libido, and diminished well-being, symptoms easily and frequently

The role of androgen therapy.

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The concept of a female androgen insufficiency syndrome, although not new, remains somewhat controversial. Androgens are quantitatively the predominant sex steroid in women, circulating in the micromolar and nanomolar concentration range, compared with picomolar levels of oestrogens. The most

Long-term cortisol exposure and associations with height and comorbidities in Turner syndrome.

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Turner syndrome (TS), a common genetic disorder in women, usually manifests in traits as short stature and premature ovarian failure. Many patients also have an increased risk of cardiometabolic disorders and psychological distress which are features that overlap with those of a

Testosterone deficiency in women.

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Testosterone (T) is an important component of female sexuality, enhancing interest in initiating sexual activity and response to sexual stimulation. Testosterone is also associated with greater well-being and with reduced anxiety and depression. Clinical and biochemical definitions of T deficiency

Screening for the presence of FMR1 premutation alleles in a Spanish population with fibromyalgia.

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Fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) premutation carriers, who are at risk of having children with fragile X Syndrome, were initially considered as clinically unaffected. However, recent clinical and molecular studies have shifted this point of view. The incidence of premutation in the general

A novel variant in AIRE causing a rare, non‑classical autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1

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Autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 (APS‑1) is a rare inherited autoimmune disease, characterized by a classic triad, including chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, primary adrenocortical insufficiency and hypoparathyroidism. The present study investigated phenotypes and pathogenic variants in a

National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference statement: adjuvant therapy for breast cancer, November 1-3, 2000.

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OBJECTIVE Our goal was to provide health-care providers, patients, and the general public with an assessment of currently available data regarding the use of adjuvant therapy for breast cancer. METHODS The participants included a non-Federal, non-advocate, 14-member panel representing the fields of

Adjuvant therapy for breast cancer.

Rakstu tulkošanu var veikt tikai reģistrēti lietotāji
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OBJECTIVE To provide health care providers, patients, and the general public with a current consensus on various issues related to the use of adjuvant therapy for breast cancer. METHODS A nonfederal, nonadvocate, 14-member panel representing the fields of oncology, radiology, surgery, pathology,
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Vispilnīgākā ārstniecības augu datu bāze, kuru atbalsta zinātne

  • Darbojas 55 valodās
  • Zāļu ārstniecības līdzekļi, kurus atbalsta zinātne
  • Garšaugu atpazīšana pēc attēla
  • Interaktīva GPS karte - atzīmējiet garšaugus atrašanās vietā (drīzumā)
  • Lasiet zinātniskās publikācijas, kas saistītas ar jūsu meklēšanu
  • Meklēt ārstniecības augus pēc to iedarbības
  • Organizējiet savas intereses un sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem, klīniskajiem izmēģinājumiem un patentiem

Ierakstiet simptomu vai slimību un izlasiet par garšaugiem, kas varētu palīdzēt, ierakstiet zāli un redziet slimības un simptomus, pret kuriem tā tiek lietota.
* Visa informācija ir balstīta uz publicētiem zinātniskiem pētījumiem

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