Haitian Creole

quillaja saponaria/vēzis

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Effect of saponin from Quillaja saponaria (molina) on antibody, tumour necrosis factor and interferon-gamma production.

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Saponin has been described to contain adjuvant activity in vaccination protocols, in protection against disease, and on humoral immune response. In this paper we describe the effect of a pure saponin from Quillaja saponaria (molina) on the immune response elicited in mice by two antigens, BSA and

Enhancing Immunogenicity of Cancer Vaccines: QS-21 as an Immune Adjuvant.

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Saponins comprise a class of plant natural products that incorporate a lipophilic terpenoid core, to which is appended one or more carbohydrate residues. They are amphiphilic molecules and often exhibit toxic biological profiles, likely as a result of their roles as vital components in protective

In vitro evaluation and molecular docking of QS-21 and quillaic acid from Quillaja saponaria Molina as gastric cancer agents

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The cytotoxic mechanism of the saponin QS-21 and its aglycone quillaic acid (QA) was studied on human gastric cancer cells (SNU1 and KATO III). Both compounds showed in vitro cytotoxic activity with IC50 values: 7.1 μM (QS-21) and 13.6 μM (QA) on SNU1 cells; 7.4 μM (QS-21) and 67 μM (QA)

Natural and synthetic saponin adjuvant QS-21 for vaccines against cancer.

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One of the most widely used and potent immunological adjuvants is a mixture of soluble triterpene glycosides purified from the soap bark tree (Quillaja saponaria). Despite challenges in production, quality control, stability and toxicity, the QS-21 fraction from this extract has exhibited

Anti-Trichomonas vaginalis activity of saponins from Quillaja, Passiflora, and Ilex species.

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Trichomonas vaginalis is a flagellated protozoan that causes trichomonosis, the most prevalent non-viral STD worldwide. The pathogen has been associated with serious health consequences including predisposition to cervical cancer and adverse pregnancy outcomes and infertility. It also acts as a

A multivalent bcr-abl fusion peptide vaccination trial in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia.

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A tumor-specific, bcr-abl-derived fusion peptide vaccine can be safely administered to patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and can elicit a bcr-abl peptide-specific T-cell immune response. In the present phase 2 trial, 14 patients with CML in chronic phase were vaccinated with 6 fusion

Nanoparticulate Quillaja saponin induces apoptosis in human leukemia cell lines with a high therapeutic index.

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Saponin fractions of Quillaja saponaria Molina (QS) have cytotoxic activity against cancer cells in vitro, but are too toxic to be useful in the clinic. The toxic effect was abolished by converting QS fractions into stable nanoparticles through the binding of QS to cholesterol. Two fractions of QS

Synthetic studies of complex immunostimulants from Quillaja saponaria: synthesis of the potent clinical immunoadjuvant QS-21Aapi.

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QS-21 is one of the most promising new adjuvants for immune response potentiation and dose-sparing in vaccine therapy given its exceedingly high level of potency and its favorable toxicity profile. Melanoma, breast cancer, small cell lung cancer, prostate cancer, HIV-1, and malaria are among the

Advances in saponin-based adjuvants.

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Saponins are natural glycosides of steroid or triterpene which exhibited many different biological and pharmacological activities. Notably, saponins can also activate the mammalian immune system, which have led to significant interest in their potential as vaccine adjuvants. The most widely used

New perspectives for natural triterpene glycosides as potential adjuvants.

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BACKGROUND Triterpene glycosides are a vast group of secondary metabolites widely distributed in plants including a high number of biologically active compounds. The pharmacological potential is evaluated by using many bioassays particularly in the field of cancerology, immunology, and microbiology.

Altered immunomodulating and toxicological properties of degraded Quillaja saponaria Molina saponins.

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Quillaja saponins are readily hydrolyzed under physiological conditions, yielding deacylated forms that are significantly less toxic than their precursors. Yet, deacylated saponins are unable to stimulate a strong primary immune response. Although deacylated saponins elicit a strong total IgG
Cancer cells are characterized by uncontrolled replication involving loss of control of cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs) and cyclins, and by abolished differentiation. In this study we introduce KGI, which is a nanoparticle with a Quillaja saponin as an active molecule. By the use of RNA array

The Nanoparticulate Quillaja Saponin BBE is selectively active towards renal cell carcinoma.

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OBJECTIVE To characterize the cytotoxic effect of BBE, the particulate of desacyl-saponin, in model systems of solid tumours. METHODS Cytotoxic activity of BBE was investigated in solid human tumour cell lines, in tumour cells from patients with renal cell carcinoma, in normal human renal cells and

Quillaja saponin: A prospective emulsifier for the preparation of solid lipid nanoparticles.

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Quillaja saponin (QS) is a non-ionic amphiphilic surfactant of natural origin. In the present study, we evaluated its potential to form solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) in the presence of stearic acid (SA) as a lipid carrier and imatinib mesylate (IM) as a model drug. IM loaded solid lipid
The recognition of a pathogen or a vaccine antigen formulation by cells in the innate immune system leads to production of proinflammatory cytokines, which will determine the ensuing acquired immune response quantitatively and qualitatively. Tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-1 and
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