Haitian Creole

retroperitoneal fibrosis/nelabums

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Diffuse abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting due to retroperitoneal fibrosis: a rare but often missed diagnosis.

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Retroperitoneal fibrosis is a rare chronic inflammatory disease usually involving the ureters, retroperitoneal vessels and nerves; however, any intestinal organ may also be involved. In recent years, a few successful immunosuppressive treatments of this disease have been described and surgery can,
Retroperitoneal fibrosis is a rare disease with unspecific symptomatic signs. Mortality rates are high with a 10-year mortality rate of 10 to 20%. We describe a case of a 55 year old woman with retroperitoneal fibrosis and discuss clinical findings, symptomatic signs, diagnosis, and treatment of

Signet-ring cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder mimicking retroperitoneal fibrosis.

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We present the case of a 77-year-old white woman with a past medical history of transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder that presented with symptoms of acute renal failure and duodenal obstruction and posed a diagnostic dilemma. Initially, she presented with bilateral ureteral strictures

Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis. A retrospective analysis of 60 cases.

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Sixty patients with idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis presenting between 1965 and 1984 are reviewed. Their mean age at presentation was 56 years and the male:female ratio was 3:1. The commonest presenting symptoms were flank and abdominal pain, weight loss, nausea and polyuria. Physical

Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis with functional duodenal obstruction.

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Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis with duodenal obstruction is a rarely reported clinical entity. The presenting symptoms of nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and progressive fatigability can be easily overlooked if attention is focused on the more prominent symptoms of low back and flank pain.

Retroperitoneal fibrosis associated with propranolol: a case report; is corticosteroid administration necessary after ureterolysis?

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BACKGROUND Retroperitoneal fibrosis is a rare disease. It can be primary (Ormond's disease) or secondary to inflammation, malignancy or some drugs. Beta-adrenergic blockers including propranolol can cause the retroperitoneal fibrosis disease. METHODS A 44-year-old woman who was taking propranolol

Retroperitoneal fibrosis as a result of signet ring cell gastric cancer: a case-based review.

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BACKGROUND Retroperitoneal fibrosis is a rare and obvious condition in the abdominopelvic cavity. Signet ring cell carcinoma of the stomach with gross appearance of linitis plastica is another rare association. METHODS We present a rare case of a 49-year-old woman presenting with persistent nausea

Retroperitoneal fibrosis: a rare cause of acute renal failure.

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Introduction. Retroperitoneal fibrosis is a rare cause of acute renal failure (ARF) with only a handful of cases reported in literature. We report a case of a 40-year-old male with an incidental finding of retroperitoneal fibrosis. Case Presentation. Patient is a 40-year-old African American male

IgG4-related hypophysitis presenting as a pituitary adenoma with systemic disease.

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Hypophysitis is a rare inflammatory disorder that can mimic a pituitary tumor clinically or radiologically. Furthermore, immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-related systemic disease is only a just recently characterized disorder. It can manifest as a systemic disease involving multiple organs, including the

[IgG4-associated diseases mainly with auricular symptoms: a case report and literature review].

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Summary To analyze the clinical features of IgG4-related diseases mainly with otologic manifestations and investigate diagnosis and treatment of IgG4-related diseases. We report the clinical course and diagnosis and treatment process of a case of IgG4-related disease misdiagnosed as chronic

Pelvic actinomycosis mimicking ovarian malignancy: three cases.

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OBJECTIVE Three cases of pelvic actinomycosis initially diagnosed as pelvic malignancy and treated surgically are reported. METHODS The first case was a 38-year-old multiparous woman who was referred to our clinic because of bilateral ovarian solid masses. With the impression of ovarian carcinoma, a

Bromocriptine: old drug, new formulation and new indication.

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Bromocriptine is an ergot alkaloid dopamine D(2) receptor agonist that has been used extensively in the past to treat hyperprolactinaemia, galactorrhoea and Parkinsonism. It is known that hypothalamic hypodopaminergic states and disturbed circadian rhythm are associated with the development of

[Adverse effects of dopamine agonists].

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Application of dopamine agonists in the therapy of Parkinson's disease constitutes significant progress. The adverse effects of dopamine agonists in the treatment of this disease are caused by various action mechanisms and depend upon the composition and pharmacological characteristics of the drug,

Obstructive Nephropathy Without Hydronephrosis: Suspicion Is the Key.

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Urinary tract obstruction leading to acute kidney injury is usually associated with bilateral hydroureters and hydronephrosis, often accompanied by oliguria. We present an atypical case of obstructive uropathy without these features that presented with severe acute kidney injury. A 64-year-old male
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  • Darbojas 55 valodās
  • Zāļu ārstniecības līdzekļi, kurus atbalsta zinātne
  • Garšaugu atpazīšana pēc attēla
  • Interaktīva GPS karte - atzīmējiet garšaugus atrašanās vietā (drīzumā)
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Ierakstiet simptomu vai slimību un izlasiet par garšaugiem, kas varētu palīdzēt, ierakstiet zāli un redziet slimības un simptomus, pret kuriem tā tiek lietota.
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