Haitian Creole


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Postoperative hyperthermia after resection of a seminoma from the thalamus and third ventricle.

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Hyperthermia is relatively common in inpatients, but hyperthermia occurring in the immediate postoperative period after undergoing neurosurgery has some unique characteristics. This case report concerns a patient who developed immediate postoperative hyperthermia up to 39.3°C (the axillary

[Cardiac changes in mediastinal seminoma].

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Primary pure cell seminoma of the mediastinum is a rare and potentially fatal lesion. Encroachment or invasion of adjacent structures is common, as are distant metastases. We present an unusual case of mediastinal seminoma with directly intracavitary invasion into the right atrium and extension to

Testicular seminoma presenting with mediastinal lymphadenopathy and gynecomastia.

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Chest computed tomography (CT) of a 22-year-old man with a history of long-term low fever and nonproductive cough demonstrated lymphadenopathy in the superior, middle, and posterior mediastinum. Slight bilateral gynecomastia was also observed on the CT scan. Subsequent physical examination and

Bleomycin-induced pneumonitis in three patients treated with chemotherapy for primary advanced seminoma.

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OBJECTIVE Bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatinum (BEP) comprise the most common regimen in the treatment of advanced testicular tumors, including seminoma. Common side effects are of hematologic, renal, and cardiovascular origin. One of the most prominent side effects is pulmonary toxicity attributed
The aims of the trial were to establish the response rate and determine the toxicity of combination chemotherapy with ifosphamide, vincristine and cisplatin (HOP regimen) in advanced metastatic seminoma and to study the role of post-chemotherapy consolidation treatment. Patients with bulky

Pirfenidone as salvage treatment for refractory bleomycin-induced lung injury: a case report of seminoma.

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BACKGROUND Bleomycin-induced lung injury, a major complication of chemotherapy for germ cell tumors, occasionally fails to respond to the standard treatment with corticosteroids and develops into severe respiratory insufficiency. Little is known about salvage treatment for refractory

Carboplatin and cyclophosphamide in the treatment of metastatic seminoma.

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Cisplatin-based chemotherapy is highly effective in advanced seminoma, but at the cost of a considerable toxicity. The response rate of carboplatin is comparable with cisplatin combinations but the relapse rate is higher. Our study assesses the efficacy and the toxicity of the combination of

Carboplatin and ifosfamide and selective consolidation in advanced seminoma.

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This prospective phase II study assesses the clinical efficacy and complications of a treatment regimen comprising combination chemotherapy with carboplatin and ifosfamide and selective consolidation in advanced seminoma. Of 43 patients who entered the study, between May 1989 and May 1992, 42 were

Orchitis reveals an extragonadal primary mediastinal thymic seminoma: a coincidence or not?

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BACKGROUND Mediastinal thymic seminomas are rare male germ cell tumors with extragonadal origin that appear predominately with a cystic appearance. METHODS A 22-year-old male was referred to our department for further investigation of a mediastinal mass discovered incidentally during routine chest

Treatment of advanced seminoma with cyclophosphamide, vincristine and carboplatin on an outpatient basis.

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This study describes the efficacy and toxicity of a combination regimen consisting of cyclophosphamide, vincristine (oncovin) and carboplatin (COC) for advanced seminoma on an outpatient basis. Twenty-seven patients (mean age 43 years, range 28-63 years) were classified as stage IIC (n = 5), stage

Cyclophosphamide and carboplatin and selective consolidation in advanced seminoma.

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This prospective Phase II study assesses the clinical efficacy and complications of a treatment regimen of combination chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide and carboplatin and selective consolidation in advanced seminoma. Of 46 patients who entered the study between December 1992 and October 1998, 46

Primary anterior mediastinal seminoma.

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A review of the Mayo Clinic experience with primary anterior mediastinal seminomas involved 17 patients who had pure anterior mediastinal seminomas and four who had mixed germ-cell tumors containing seminomas. At follow-up, of the 17 patients with pure anterior mediastinal seminoma, nine had no

[Paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis with positive anti-RI antibodies and mediastinal seminoma].

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We report the case of a 49-year-old man who was admitted for progressive behaviorial disorders with frontal elements. There was no sensorial nor motor deficiency. Clinical examination revealed android obesity, cutaneous and mucous paleness, pubic and axillary depilation and gynecomastia. Encephalic

A case of highly aggressive anaplastic seminoma of the testis presenting as fungating scrotal lesion.

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Anaplastic seminoma (AS) is an uncommon histological variant of classical seminoma of the testis and account for 5%-15% of cases. It is poorly described in the scientific literature. We present the case of a 50-years-old homeless man presenting with fever, marked left scrotal hardness and a

The VAB-6 regimen in the treatment of metastatic seminoma.

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In an attempt to improve complete remission rates, seven patients with Stage III or bulky Stage II pure seminoma of the testis were treated with the VAB-6 regimen. Cyclophosphamide 600 mg/m2 of body surface, vinblastine 4 mg/m2, dactinomycin 1 mg/m2, and bleomycin 30 mg were given by intravenous
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