Haitian Creole


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Antidepressant-like effect of carvacrol (5-Isopropyl-2-methylphenol) in mice: involvement of dopaminergic system.

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Carvacrol (5-isopropyl-2-methylphenol) is a monoterpenic phenol present in the essential oil of many plants. It is the major component of the essential oil fraction of oregano and thyme. In this study, the effect of carvacrol was investigated in two behavioral models, the forced swimming and tail

Anxiolytic-like effect of Carvacrol (5-isopropyl-2-methylphenol) in mice: involvement with GABAergic transmission.

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Carvacrol (5-isopropyl-2-methylphenol) is a monoterpenic phenol present in the essencial oil of many plants. It is the major component of the essential oil fraction of oregano and thyme. This work presents the behavioral effects of carvacrol in animal models of elevated plus maze (EPM), open field,

Thymol produces an antidepressant-like effect in a chronic unpredictable mild stress model of depression in mice.

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Thymol, a bioactive monoterpene isolated from Thymus vulgaris, has displayed inspiring neuroprotective properties. The present study was designed to evaluate the antidepressant-like effects of thymol on a chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) model of depression in mice and explore the underlying
Synthetic preservatives can have harmful effects on the body, so plant essential oils appear to be an attractive natural alternative. However, the use of essential oils is limited due to the low stability and possible negative effects on the sensory properties of food. Oil encapsulation was

The effect of ethanolic extract of Thymus kotschyanus on cancer cell growth in vitro and depression-like behavior in the mouse.

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Cancer and depression are known as two of the most debilitating disease and disorder increasing evidence suggest an urgent need for new therapeutic agents with lower toxicity and high efficacy. Some Thyme species extracts have remarkably been shown to positively affect depression and cancer cells.
Environmental heterogeneity among sites can generate phenotypic and genetic variation facilitating differentiation and microevolution of plant populations. Badlands are desert-like, predominantly vegetation-poor habitats often embedded in (semi-)dry grasslands. The desert-like conditions of badlands

Toxicological effects of pet food ingredients on canine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and enterocyte-like cells.

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We developed an in vitro method to assess pet food ingredients safety. Canine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSC) were differentiated into enterocyte-like cells (ELC) to assess toxicity in cells representing similar patterns of exposure in vivo. The toxicological profile of clove leave

Structure-Odor Activity Studies on Derivatives of Aromatic and Oxygenated Monoterpenoids Synthesized by Modifying p-Cymene.

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Thymoquinone was recently reported as having a unique pencil-like odor and being the impact compound for the cedar-like and cedar wood-based product smell such as pencils. The compounds thymol and carvacrol are structurally related odorants commonly found in plants and foods such as thyme and

Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities of Spices.

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Infectious diseases caused by pathogens and food poisoning caused by spoilage microorganisms are threatening human health all over the world. The efficacies of some antimicrobial agents, which are currently used to extend shelf-life and increase the safety of food products in food industry and to

Priming of intestinal cytoprotective genes and antioxidant capacity by dietary phytogenic inclusion in broilers

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The potential of a phytogenic premix (PP) based on ginger, lemon balm, oregano and thyme to stimulate the expression of cytoprotective genes at the broiler gut level was evaluated in this study. In particular, the effects of PP inclusion levels on a selection of genes related to host protection
Several approaches, including the detection of apoptotic-like cell death, aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) production and gene expression analysis, were carried out to provide insights into the antifungal and anti-aflatoxigenic effects of thyme essential oil (EO) on Aspergillus flavus. At

A novel approach to study antibacterial properties of volatile components of selected Indian medicinal herbs.

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The aromatic substances of natural origin are used medicinally in Ayurveda, and can have diverse bio-dynamic actions. The existing methods like agar-cup method or disc diffusion method are not adequate to study the exclusive antibacterial effects of the volatile components of aromatic oils due to
Thymus capitatus growing wild in Sardinia showed different essential oil composition if grown surrounding Cagliari than in north Sardinia. Here we verify the composition and antimicrobial activity of the oil to make it suitable for the cosmetic and confectionery industries. With the aim of improving

Antimicrobial effect of garlic (Allium sativum).

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Medicinal plants like pumpkin seed, thyme, onion, Nigella sativa, lemon balm, and stinging nettle are used extensively today. One of these plants used most intensively and widespread is garlic. In this context, fresh shape, powder state and oil of garlic have been used all around the world,

The use of herbal supplements by individuals with diabetes mellitus.

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OBJECTIVE To analyse the use of herbal supplements by individuals with diabetes mellitus. METHODS This cross-sectional study was carried out in the endocrinology clinics of two hospitals in Izmir, Turkey, between June and August 2016. The sample consisted of diabetic patients. Data was collected
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