Haitian Creole


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Nanostructure-loaded mesoporous silica for controlled release of coumarin derivatives: a novel testing of the hyperthermia effect.

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The synthesis of three types of mesoporous materials is reported: pure mesoporous silica (MCM-41), a nanocomposite of mesoporous silica with hydroxyapatite (MCM-41-HA) and mesoporous silica/gold nanorods nanocomposite (MCM-41-GNRs). The mesoporous materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction,

[Staghorn silicate calculi: a case report].

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A 71-year-old woman complaining of fever and left flank pain was referred to our hospital. She had no history of taking any silicate-containing antiacids. She was diagnosed with left staghorn renal stone and repeated extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy was performed. Analysis of the stones
A case of malignant pleural mesothelioma (PM) 24 years after thoracic radiotherapy for Hodgkin's disease is presented. As primary treatment and to relieve symptoms of dyspnea secondary to pleural effusion a thoracic drain was installed, followed by intracavitary radiation therapy with

Effects of some disinfectants on African swine fever virus.

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Ten commercially available disinfectants were tested at high pH in 2% sodium hydroxide and low pH in 2% acetic acid as inactivants for African swine fever (ASF) in a protein-rich blood-spleen homogenate. As assayed in leukocyte cultures, sodium hydroxide and acetic acid, sodium meta silicate and

Preparation and characterization of multifunctional magnetic mesoporous calcium silicate materials.

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We have prepared multifunctional magnetic mesoporous Fe-CaSiO3 materials using triblock copolymer (P123) as a structure-directing agent. The effects of Fe substitution on the mesoporous structure, in vitro bioactivity, magnetic heating ability and drug delivery property of mesoporous CaSiO3

Talcum induced pneumoconiosis following inhalation of adulterated marijuana, a case report.

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BACKGROUND Talcosis, a granulomatous inflammation of the lungs caused by inhalation of talcum dust, is a rare form of pneumoconiosis. Besides inhalative occupational exposure, intravenous abuse of adulterated drugs is a major cause for this condition. Minerals such as talcum (magnesium silicate) and

Granulomatosis associated to porcelain wear debris.

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OBJECTIVE To determine the origin of a cryptogenic granulomatosis using an innovative diagnosis technique. METHODS A patient affected by fever of unknown origin for 9 years was diagnosed with colestasis and acute renal failure with pathological evidence, in parenchimal samples, of granulomatosis of

First Observation of Physically Capturing and Maneuvering Bacteria using Magnetic Clays.

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A new class of nanohybrids composed of structurally exfoliated silicate platelets and magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles was synthesized and shown to be capable of capturing microbes in liquid microbiological media. Nanoscale silicate platelets with an approximate thickness of 1.0 nm were prepared
3D multifunctional bone scaffolds have recently attracted more attention in bone tissue engineering because of addressing critical issues like bone cancer and inflammation beside bone regeneration. In this study, a 3D bone scaffold is fabricated from

The effect of zeolite A supplementation in the dry period on periparturient calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium homeostasis.

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One potential way of preventing parturient hypocalcemia in the dairy cow is to feed dry cow rations very low in calcium (<20 g/d); but, because it is difficult to formulate rations sufficiently low in calcium, this principle has been almost abandoned. Recent studies have shown, however, that it is

Earthicle: The Design of a Conceptually New Type of Particle.

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The conception and the steps made in the design of a conceptually new type of composite particle, so-called "earthicle", are being described. This particle is meant to roughly mimic the layered structure of the Earth, having zerovalent iron core, silicate mantle, and a thin carbonaceous crust

Colloids or powders: Which nanoparticle formulations do cells like more?

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Understanding the difference in physicochemical properties and biological response between colloidal and powder formulations of identical materials is important before the given materials are used in a medical milieu. In this study we compared a set of biological effects of colloidal and powder

Brain and bone cancer targeting by a ferrofluid composed of superparamagnetic iron-oxide/silica/carbon nanoparticles (earthicles).

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Despite the advances in molecularly targeted therapies, delivery across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and the targeting of brain tumors remains a challenge. Like brain, bone is a common site of metastasis and requires therapies capable of discerning the tumor from its healthy cellular milieu. To
The development of multifunctional biomaterials to repair bone defects after neoplasm removal and inhibit tumor recurrence remained huge clinical challenges. Here, we demonstrate a kind of innovative and multifunctional magnetic mesoporous calcium sillicate/chitosan (MCSC) porous scaffolds, made of

Bioactive glass ceramics: properties and applications.

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Heat treatment of an MgO-CaO-SiO2-P2O5 glass gave a glass ceramic containing crystalline apatite (Ca10(PO4)6O,F2] and beta-wollastonite (CaO,SiO2) in an MgO-CaO-SiO2 glassy matrix. It showed bioactivity and a fairly high mechanical strength which decreased only slowly, even under load-bearing
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