Haitian Creole


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A Rare Cause of Dysphagia and Cough: Bronchoesophageal Fistula from Silicosis.

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Dysphagia and cough in an older male smoker raise concern for malignancy. However, a history of environmental exposures led to a much more interesting diagnosis in this case of pneumoconiosis due to silicosis. Silicosis is an uncommon pulmonary disease with rare associated gastrointestinal symptoms.

[Acetylcholine cough reflex and its importance in function tests for silicosis and its complications].

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[High Expression of co-stimulatory molecule CD40 in silicosis patients and intervention effect of yiqi huoxue decoction].

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OBJECTIVE To study whether co-stimulatory molecule CD40 of alveolar macrophage (AM) participated in the occurrence and development of silicosis, and to explore the intervention of Yiqi Huoxue Decoction (YHD) in the fibrosis of silicosis patients. METHODS Totally 46 silicosis inpatients and
Clinical efficacy of acetylcysteine combined with tetrandrine tablets in the treatment of silicosis was investigated to observe the exercise tolerance and pulmonary function of the patients. The clinical data of 248 cases of silicosis patients treated in Branch of Tai'an City Central Hospital were

Silicosis among grindstone cutters in the north of Nigeria.

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Many of the grindstones used in Nigerian homes are quarried from sandstone in a small group of villages near Kano in the extreme north of the country. Of an unselected group of 126 stonecutters from two of these villages 49 were found to have radiographic evidence of silicosis, with progressive

A 47-Year-Old Man With Fever, Dry Cough, and a Lung Mass After Redo Lung Transplantation.

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METHODS A 47-year-old man who was a redo double lung transplant recipient (cytomegalovirus [CMV] status: donor positive/recipient positive; Epstein-Barr virus status: donor positive/recipient positive) presented to the hospital with 1 week of generalized malaise, low-grade fevers, and dry cough. His

[Clinical therapeutic effect of xifukang in 53 patients with silicosis].

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Xifukang is a compound preparation of Chinese herbs consisting of Hanbane grugs mainly. Since 1987, the significant efficiency have been obtained in treatment of 53 patients suffering from silicosis by self-control study. The results indicated that the clinical manifestations including dyspnea,

FDG PET findings in a case with acute pulmonary silicosis.

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A 21-year-old male having a history of 4 years of working at a denim factory as a sandblaster was diagnosed with pulmonary silicosis and he was also an active smoker. Productive cough, dyspnea on effort, night sweats, and weight loss in a short period of time were his complaints. Chronic

[A case of silicotuberculosis with difficulty in its diagnosis].

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A 68-year-old man who had worked as a stone mason for more than 50 years with a heavy smoking history consulted our clinic with symptoms of cough, low grade fever, weightloss, malaise and a single expectoration of hemo-sputum. He had been diagnosed as silicosis by the mass survey 5 years ago based

[The long-term therapeutic effects of silicosis by repeat the whole lung lavage].

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OBJECTIVE To preliminary study the long term therapeutic effects of repeat the whole lung lavage (RWLL) in the treatment of silicosis. METHODS A total of 60 patients with silicosis in the same stone mine were randomly and equally divided into repeat the whole lung Lavage (RWLL) group and whole lung

[Long-term therapeutic effects of whole lung lavage in the management of silicosis].

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OBJECTIVE To investigate the long-term therapeutic effect of whole lung lavage (WLL) in the treatment of silicosis. METHODS A total of 70 patients with silicosis were randomly and equally divided into WLL group and control group based on chest X-ray, silicosis staging, age, and working age of dust

Incidence of silicosis in flourmill workers.

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BACKGROUND Silicosis is an ancient occupational illness reported in silica mill workers, agate stone workers, slate pen workers and mining industry. However its association in flour mill workers has not been established. OBJECTIVE To study the incidence of silicosis and respiratory morbidity in

Fatal silicosis in a funeral arts' craftsman.

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The current scientific debate on silica and cancer has often led to overlooking the persisting risk of lung fibrosis from crystalline silica. During 2000, when 54 years old, a funeral arts' craftsman began to suffer from persistent, hacking cough; radiography and high resolution computed tomography
We describe six cases of acute silicosis which were characterised by an intense exposure to pure silica; there was a rapid onset with diffuse abnormalities on the radiological image and severe respiratory abnormalities. The duration of occupational exposure to silica was four to eighteen years.

[Evaluation of silicosis in ceramic workers].

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This study is aimed to evaluate the incidence of silicosis and the relation of it with personal and work-related factors among workers exposed to silica in ceramic factory. Workers were evaluated by respiratory symptoms, physical examination, pulmonary function and radiological findings.
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