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sleep deprivation/atrofija

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Sleep deprivation induces pathological changes in rat masticatory muscles: Role of Toll like signaling pathway and atrophy.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the Toll like signaling pathway and atrophy after sleep deprivation (SD) in rat masticatory muscles: masseter and temporal. A total of 24 animals was distributed into three groups: Control group (CTL, n = 8), subjected to SD for 96 h (SD96, n = 8) and subjected

No evidence of brain cell degeneration after long-term sleep deprivation in rats.

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Sleep deprivation leads to cognitive impairments in humans and, if sustained for 2-3 weeks in rats, it is invariably fatal. It has been suggested that neural activity associated with waking, if it is not interrupted by periods of sleep, may damage brain cells through excitotoxic or oxidative

Paradoxical sleep deprivation induces muscle atrophy.

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BACKGROUND Because paradoxical sleep deprivation (PSD) induces a catabolic hormone profile, we sought to evaluate the morphology of the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle and testosterone and corticosterone levels of paradoxical sleep-deprived rats. METHODS Three study groups of rats were established:

Resistance exercise: a non-pharmacological strategy to minimize or reverse sleep deprivation-induced muscle atrophy.

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Sleep is important for maintenance of skeletal muscle health. Sleep debt can induce muscle atrophy by increasing glucocorticoids and decreasing testosterone, growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I. These hormonal alterations result in a highly proteolytic environment characterized by

Attenuation of sleep deprivation dependent deterioration in male fertility parameters by vitamin C.

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Male fertility is multifaceted and its integrity is as well multifactorial. Normal spermatogenesis is dependent on competent testicular function; namely normal anatomy, histology, physiology and hormonal regulation. Lifestyle stressors, including sleep interruption and even

Deterioration of the useful visual field with age and sleep deprivation: insight from signal detection theory.

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The goal of this study was to establish whether the deterioration of the useful visual field due to sleep deprivation and age in a screen monitoring activity could be explained by a decrease in perceptual sensitivity and/or a modification of the participant's decision criterion (two indices derived

Cognitive deterioration and changes of P300 during total sleep deprivation.

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The study was conducted to evaluate the cognitive deteriorations induced by sleep deprivation with the computerized neurocognitive tests and the P300 event-related potential. Thirty healthy college students (22 men, eight women) participated in the present study. Subjects remained awake for 38 h
We investigated the effect of 96 h paradoxical sleep deprivation (PSD) and 21-day sleep restriction (SR) on prostate morphology using stereological assays in male rats. After euthanasia, the rat ventral prostate was removed, weighed, and prepared for conventional light microscopy. Microscopic

Deterioration in driving performance during sleep deprivation is similar in professional and nonprofessional drivers.

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OBJECTIVE There is some suggestion in the literature that professional drivers might self-select to be more resistant to the effects of sleep deprivation; however, this question has not been directly examined. The current laboratory study aimed to compare performance changes during acute sleep

Sleep Deprivation and Its Contribution to Mood and Performance Deterioration in College Athletes.

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Sleep deprivation is very common among collegiate student athletes, resulting in impacts on mood, physiology, and performance. There are multifactorial contributions to sleep deprivation, but resulting alterations in sleep architecture explain impacts on learning, vigilance, mood, and athletic
An association between neuroinflammation, reduced adult neurogenesis, and cognitive impairment has been established in sleep deprivation (SD). Complement receptors are expressed on neuronal and glial cells, thus, regulate the neuroinflammation, neurogenesis and learning/memory.

Brain Activity Correlates With Cognitive Performance Deterioration During Sleep Deprivation.

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We studied the correlation between oscillatory brain activity and performance in healthy subjects performing the error awareness task (EAT) every 2 h, for 24 h. In the EAT, subjects were shown on a screen the names of colors and were asked to press a key if the name of the color and the color it was

[Sleep disorders in multiple system atrophy].

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Sleep disorders are so common in multiple system atrophy that they should be considered an integral part of the disease. Sleep fragmentation occurs in more than half of the patients, with sleep onset and sleep maintenance insomnia. Periodic leg movements of sleep are also common, although they are

[A world record in marathon tennis: sleep deprivation and performance].

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We studied the effects of marked sleep deprivation on the EEG patterns and performance of a physically fit man (age 26) on the occasion of the world record continuous marathon tennis play (147 hours, 20 minutes). Before and immediately after the marathon, the sleep patterns of the player were

Effects of a 25-h sleep deprivation on daytime sleep in the middle-aged.

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Our understanding of the mechanisms by which sleep deteriorates with age almost exclusively stems from comparisons of young and elderly subjects. The present study investigated the different effects of a 25-h sleep deprivation on the recovery sleep initiated in the morning (when circadian sleep
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Vispilnīgākā ārstniecības augu datu bāze, kuru atbalsta zinātne

  • Darbojas 55 valodās
  • Zāļu ārstniecības līdzekļi, kurus atbalsta zinātne
  • Garšaugu atpazīšana pēc attēla
  • Interaktīva GPS karte - atzīmējiet garšaugus atrašanās vietā (drīzumā)
  • Lasiet zinātniskās publikācijas, kas saistītas ar jūsu meklēšanu
  • Meklēt ārstniecības augus pēc to iedarbības
  • Organizējiet savas intereses un sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem, klīniskajiem izmēģinājumiem un patentiem

Ierakstiet simptomu vai slimību un izlasiet par garšaugiem, kas varētu palīdzēt, ierakstiet zāli un redziet slimības un simptomus, pret kuriem tā tiek lietota.
* Visa informācija ir balstīta uz publicētiem zinātniskiem pētījumiem

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