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sleep deprivation/krūts vēzis

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Ecological momentary assessment of sleep, symptoms, and mood during chemotherapy for breast cancer.

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OBJECTIVE This study examined the association of sleep before and during a chemotherapy (CT) cycle for breast cancer with symptoms and mood during a CT cycle. METHODS Twenty women undergoing CT for breast cancer completed the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) 1 h prior to a CT infusion. For 3

[Shift work and breast cancer].

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The International Agency on Research on Cancer (IARC) has recently classified "shiftwork that involves circadian disruption" as "probably carcinogenic to humans" (Group 2A) on the basis of "limited evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of shift-work that involves nightwork", and "sufficient

A Pilot Study of a Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention for Breast Cancer Survivors.

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To test combining a group intervention to build self-efficacy for using compensatory strategies and lifestyle adjustments with brain-training practice to improve cognition. . A quasiexperimental design. . Texas Oncology, a community oncology practice in Austin. . 20 women aged 35-65 years, who had

Sleep quality after initial chemotherapy for breast cancer.

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OBJECTIVE The goal of this study is to characterize sleep quality and quantity prior to and in the first three nights after initial chemotherapy for breast cancer. METHODS This study makes use of secondary analysis of data from two separate randomized clinical trials (RCT) of behavioral

The effect of melatonin on sleep and quality of life in patients with advanced breast cancer.

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BACKGROUND Fatigue and sleep problems are prevalent in cancer patients and can be associated with disruption of circadian rhythmicity. In this prospective phase II trial, we sought to assess the effect of melatonin on circadian biomarkers, sleep, and quality of life in breast cancer

Shift work and cancer risk: potential mechanistic roles of circadian disruption, light at night, and sleep deprivation.

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Shift work that includes a nighttime rotation has become an unavoidable attribute of today's 24-h society. The related disruption of the human circadian time organization leads in the short-term to an array of jet-lag-like symptoms, and in the long-run it may contribute to weight gain/obesity,
Exposure to Artificial Light At Night (ALAN) results in a disruption of the circadian system, which is deleterious to health. In industrialized countries, 75% of the total workforce is estimated to have been involved in shift work and night work. Epidemiologic studies, mainly of nurses, have

Cytotoxic chemotherapy increases sleep and sleep fragmentation in non-tumor-bearing mice.

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Sleep disruption ranks among the most common complaints of breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Because of the complex interactions among cancer, treatment regimens, and life-history traits, studies to establish a causal link between chemotherapy and sleep disruption are uncommon. To

[Shift work and risk of cancer and coronary heart diseases].

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Shift and night work are among the most frequent occupational exposures. Such work schedules involve exposure to light-at-night, which may reduce normal nocturnal melatonin production, create circadian rhythm disruption, sleep deprivation and unhealthy lifestyle. There is strong experimental

[Cancer risk among shift workers: a review].

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BACKGROUND According to IARC, shift work resulting in disruption of circadian rhythm is a probable human carcinogen (Group 2A). METHODS We examined the scientific literature on the carcinogenic risk among shift workers for risk assessment purposes. RESULTS Clock genes polymorphisms might contribute

Treatment of pain following cancer: applying neuro-immunology in rehabilitation practice.

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Pain is the second most frequent persistent symptom following cancer treatment. This article aims at explaining how the implementation of contemporary pain neuroscience can benefit rehabilitation for adults following cancer treatment within an evidence-based perspective. Narrative review. First,
It has been hypothesized that disruption of circadian rhythms affects human health. Shift work and sleep deprivation are thought to disrupt the normal light-dark cycle, although the disruption due to shiftwork may be dependent on sleep deprivation. Both conditions have been suggested to be

Shift work, jet lag, and female reproduction.

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Circadian rhythms and "clock gene" expression are involved in successful reproductive cycles, mating, and pregnancy. Alterations or disruptions of biological rhythms, as commonly occurs in shift work, jet lag, sleep deprivation, or clock gene knock out models, are linked to significant disruptions

Circadian disruption, shift work and the risk of cancer: a summary of the evidence and studies in Seattle.

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There is increasing interest in the possibility that disruption of normal circadian rhythm may increase the risk of developing cancer. Persons who engage in nightshift work may exhibit altered nighttime melatonin levels and reproductive hormone profiles that could increase the risk of

Acupuncture for menopausal vasomotor symptoms: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

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BACKGROUND Hot flushes and night sweats (vasomotor symptoms) are common menopausal symptoms, often causing distress, sleep deprivation and reduced quality of life. Although hormone replacement therapy is an effective treatment, there are concerns about serious adverse events. Non-hormonal
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