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sleep deprivation/seizures

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Nap polygraphic recordings after partial sleep deprivation in patients with suspected epileptic seizures.

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A review of the literature shows that nap recordings make a significant contribution to epilepsy studies, providing evidence of specific EEG findings in patients suspected of having epilepsy. In addition, sleep deprivation can cause paroxysmal EEG activity and clinical seizures. We studied

[Effect of REM sleep deprivation on the each seizure stage in feline amygdaloid kindling].

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The effect of REM sleep deprivation (RD) on the each seizure stage in feline amygdaloid kindling (AM-K) was studied. RD for 12 hours (12-h RD) was performed by applying the platform procedure at stages 2 and 4, and immediately after RD the triggering threshold of each seizure stage and the duration

Enkephalinase inhibition antagonizes the increased susceptibility to seizure induced by REM sleep deprivation.

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In order to elucidate the relationship between REM sleep and the enkephalinergic system, the effects of REM sleep deprivation (REMSD), stress and the enkephalinase inhibitor phosphoramidon on handling-induced convulsions were studied in mice. REMSD, stress and phosphoramidon (25-500 micrograms icv)

Sleep deprivation increases susceptibility to kindled and penicillin seizure events during all waking and sleep states in cats.

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The timing of amygdala kindled and penicillin seizures was studied throughout the sleep-wake cycle in eight cats following near total sleep deprivation and a control procedure that did not affect sleep time. Sleep loss was induced by 24-h exposure to a modified "flower pot" procedure employing a
The EEGs of 459 patients with and 442 patients without epileptic seizures showed generalized spike wave (s/w) paroxysms in 126 cases and generalized slow wave paroxysms in 63 cases before and/or after sleep deprivation. In patients with epileptic seizures s/w paroxysms appeared in 23%, whereas in

[Sleep deprivation as activating procedure in EEG of patients with and without epileptic seizures. II. Focal discharges ].

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Of 901 patients investigated 167 showed a focal disturbance in the EEG before and/or after 24-hours sleep deprivation. 459 patients suffered from epileptic seizures, the remainder had non-epileptic attacks or an organic cerebral disease without seizures. Of the 167 focal EEG changes 21.6% were seen
Normal standard EEGs and normal or borderline EEGs after sleep deprivation in children with one or several suspected epileptic seizures are relatively frequent. All-night polygraphic recordings were performed on 31 children, aged 3-11, who fall into this category, in order to demonstrate
Pathological somatomotor system excitability and generalized seizures occur throughout the sleep-awake cycle but peak at different times in the amygdala kindling and systemic penicillin epilepsy models. Sleep loss increases seizure activity in both models during all waking and sleep states but does

Are seizures in the setting of sleep deprivation provoked?

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It is generally accepted that sleep deprivation contributes to seizures. However, it is unclear whether a seizure occurring in the setting of sleep deprivation should be considered as provoked or not and whether this is influenced by seizure type and etiology. This information may have an important
In 107 patients the EEG after sleep deprivation was performed. The patients have been divided in three groups: 1) with clinically unequivocal, 2) equivocal and 3) no epileptic seizures. All the patients where subdivided in those with and those without anticonvulsive medication. In patients with a

Sleep deprivation and kindled seizures.

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Total sleep deprivation in a treadmill, and REM sleep and partial slow-wave sleep deprivation by the platform technique led to reduced seizure threshold in kindled rats. After treadmill deprivation there was also a reduction in seizure duration. Arousing aspects of the sleep deprivation procedures

[The value of EEG after sleep deprivation for the diagnosis of epileptic seizures, epilepsy and other cerebral disorders].

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114 electroencephalographic and 49 clinical criteria of 1010 patients, including 64 healthy volunteers, were evaluated by means of a computer. In 549 patients with epileptic seizures spike wave (sw) paroxysms were seen in 13.3%. Following a 24-hour period of sleep deprivation sw paroxysms were

Effect of sleep deprivation on the EEG of learning-impaired children with absence seizures.

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Learning-impaired children can present with a clinical history suggesting additional problems, including attention deficit disorder and absence seizures. Physicians use clinical judgment in diagnosing the former, but rely heavily on the electroencephalogram (EEG) to diagnose the latter. Most

The diagnostic yield of a second EEG after partial sleep deprivation: a prospective study in children with newly diagnosed seizures.

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OBJECTIVE To assess the diagnostic yield of a repeated EEG (REPEEG) after partial sleep deprivation (SD) in children and adolescents with one or more seizures who previously had had a standard EEG (STDEEG) without epileptiform abnormalities (EAs). In the literature, 32-75% of such REPEEGs after SD

Augmentation of electroconvulsive therapy seizures with sleep deprivation.

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Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is the fastest and most effective treatment for severe or treatment-resistant affective and psychotic disorders. Its therapeutic effect is obtained through a generalized tonic-clonic seizure of adequate duration. Several factors (older age, male gender, and the
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  • Garšaugu atpazīšana pēc attēla
  • Interaktīva GPS karte - atzīmējiet garšaugus atrašanās vietā (drīzumā)
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