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Sleepwalking in patients with Parkinson disease.

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OBJECTIVE To report the occurrence of adult-onset (de novo) sleepwalking in a series of 6 patients with idiopathic Parkinson disease (PD). METHODS Case series. METHODS Outpatient clinic for movement disorders. METHODS Of 165 consecutive patients with PD seen for 2 years, 6 patients with adult-onset

Somnambulism (sleepwalking).

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Somnambulism is an arousal parasomnia consisting of a series of complex behaviours that result in large movements in bed or walking during sleep. It occurs in 2-14% of children and 1.6-2.4% of adults. Occasional benign episodes are managed conservatively. However, recurrent sleepwalking with a risk

[Somnambulism: clinical and eletrophysiological aspects].

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The authors review the literature on the epidemiology, the clinical and electrophysiological symptoms of somnambulism. The disorder specified as "nREM parasomnia with awakening disorder" belongs to the nREM sleep (awakening) parasomnias. In most of the cases its occurence is familial with the

Successful treatment of night terrors and somnambulism with paroxetine.

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A patient with a 30-year history of somnambulism and night terrors is described. The use of a home ambulatory sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) recording in clarifying the diagnosis and in monitoring the results of treatment is illustrated and successful treatment using a selective serotonin

Somnambulism in children with Tourette syndrome.

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A total of 171 children, 57 with Tourette syndrome, 57 with learning disabilities and the rest with seizure disorders, were studied to discover the incidence of somnambulism. Of the 13 identified sleepwalkers, 10 had Tourette syndrome. It is argued that this may be due to a disturbance in serotonin

Prevalence and comorbidity of nocturnal wandering in the U.S. adult general population.

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OBJECTIVE To assess the prevalence and comorbid conditions of nocturnal wandering with abnormal state of consciousness (NW) in the American general population. METHODS Cross-sectional study conducted with a representative sample of 19,136 noninstitutionalized individuals of the U.S. general

Childhood migraine and somnambulism.

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Based on a sample of 222 children from four diagnostic groups, a high frequency of somnambulism in children suffering from migraine headache is reported. The strength of the association between somnambulism and childhood migraine raises the possibility that somnambulism might be considered as a

[Migraine and somnambulism. A survey of 122 migraine patients].

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A retrospective study looking for an history of somnambulism in childhood, in a population of 122 patients with migraine, and 110 patients with non-migraine headache has been performed. A very high frequency of somnambulism in patients with migraine was found whereas frequency of somnambulism in

Desensitization of GABAergic receptors as a mechanism of zolpidem-induced somnambulism.

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Sleepwalking is a frequently reported side effect of zolpidem which is a short-acting hypnotic drug potentiating activity of GABA(A) receptors. Paradoxically, the most commonly used medications for somnambulism are benzodiazepines, especially clonazepam, which also potentiate activity of GABA(A)

Study of the 5-HT2 antagonist ritanserin on sleep-walking cycle in the rat.

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Ritanserin, a 5-HT2 receptor antagonist, was injected intraperitoneally to rats at light onset. It was found that 0.63 mg/kg decreased waking, increased the slow waves characteristic of the first stage of sleep, and decreased paradoxical sleep (PS) during the first four hours. Active waking was

The sleepwalking/night terrors syndrome in adults.

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A third of a million adults in the UK sleepwalk while a million suffer from night terrors. In both conditions the individual is unaware of the fullness of their surroundings and is totally focussed in their concern or activity. Doctors are only likely to become involved if the individual comes to

Parasomnia among psychiatric outpatients: a clinical, epidemiologic, cross-sectional study.

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OBJECTIVE Epidemiologic studies from general population and clinical case series suggest association of parasomnias with mental illnesses and psychotropic medications. This cross-sectional study aimed at determining the prevalence rate of sleepwalking, sleep-related eating disorder (SRED), rapid eye

Successful treatment of severe parasomnias with paroxetine in a 12-year-old boy.

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Night terrors and somnambulism are parasomnias associated with non-REM sleep. Medical treatment is only considered in severe cases with persistent and extended symptoms where there is a high risk of self-injury. We report the case of a 12-year-old boy with severe night terrors and somnambulism whose

Sexsomnia: an uncommon variety of parasomnia.

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Sexsomnia is considered a particular form of parasomnia characterized by atypical sexual behaviour during sleep. Only a few cases have been reported in the literature. We describe here two cases of sexsomnia that took place in adult women whose personal history was remarkable for traumatic sexual

[Nighttime eating disorders--clinical symptoms and treatment].

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Nighttime eating is categorized as either night eating syndrome (NES) or the sleep-related eating disorder (SRED). Both diseases are often connected with an increase of the body mass, obesity, and with psychiatric disturbances. NES is characterized by evening hyperphagia, abnormally increased food
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