Haitian Creole

striae distensae/erythema

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Treatment of striae distensae with fractional photothermolysis.

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BACKGROUND Striae distensae are dermal scars characterized by flattening and atrophy of the epidermis. Although many treatment modalities have been tried with variable results, most have been disappointing. OBJECTIVE To determine whether striae distensae might respond to fractional
The efficacy of NAFL in the treatment of striae distensae (SD) has been demonstrated. Nevertheless, the base for this improvement has not been clarified yet. The aim of this study is to describe in vivo variations occurring in the skin after the treatment, using reflectance confocal microscopy

Safety/Efficacy of New Topical Silicone Formulation with Selective Growth Factors for Treating Striae Distensae.

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Striae distensae (SD) are linear dermal scars that arise from progressive stretching or tearing of the dermal layer. This study tests the safety and efficacy of a topical formulation of silicone-based scar cream containing selective synthetic recombinant human growth factors, hyaluronic acid, and
OBJECTIVE Striae distensae (SD) are a common skin condition that is a significant source of psychological distress. Intense pulsed light (IPL) may play a role in the management of the disease. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of two wavelengths of IPL (650 nm vs 590 nm) in the

Fractional photothermolysis for the treatment of striae distensae in Asian skin.

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BACKGROUND Striae distensae (SD) are dermal scars characterized by linear atrophic depressions. Fractional photothermolysis (FP) is an effective modality for the treatment of cutaneous scars. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the safety and efficacy of FP for the treatment of SD in Asian skin. METHODS Six

Biophysical properties of Striae Distensae evaluated in vivo using non-invasive assays.

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BACKGROUND Striae Distensae (SD) or stretch marks are manifestations of epidermal atrophy that occurs after tissue tearing due to rapid growth or over-stretching and are characterized by distinct microstructural features. The objective of this in vivo study was to investigate the biophysical

Fractional Radiofrequency Microneedling Combined With Fractional Carbon Dioxide Laser Treatment for Striae Distensae

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Background and objectives: To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of combined fractional radiofrequency microneedling (FRM) and fractional carbon dioxide (FCO2 ) laser treatment for striae distensae and to compare the results to those of FRM alone and

The safety and efficacy of fractional photothermolysis for the correction of striae distensae.

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Ielogoties Reģistrēties
BACKGROUND Improving the appearance of striae distensae, particularly striae alba, has remained a challenge due to the limited availability of effective and low-risk treatment options. Fractional photothermolysis, a novel concept in skin rejuvenation, has been reported to be effective in the

Therapeutic targets in the management of striae distensae: A systematic review.

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Ielogoties Reģistrēties
BACKGROUND Striae distensae are permanent dermal lesions that can cause significant psychosocial distress. A detailed understanding of the numerous treatment modalities available is essential to ensuring optimal patient outcomes. OBJECTIVE Our objective was to evaluate and summarize the different

Microneedling Treatment of Striae Distensae in Light and Dark Skin With Long-Term Follow-Up.

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Striae distensae have notoriously been difficult to treat due to their extensive involvement of nonfacial skin. In recent years, microneedling has been proven useful in the treatment of a wide variety of dermatologic conditions. The lack of thermal injury during microneedling treatment
BACKGROUND Striae distensae, or stretch marks, are a very common cosmetic problem. The successful management of stretch marks has long been a source of frustration and curiosity for both the clinician and the researcher. Recent studies suggest lasers may have a role in their management. As yet, no

Treatment of striae distensae using needling therapy: a pilot study.

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Ielogoties Reģistrēties
BACKGROUND Striae distensae are dermal scars characterized by flattening and atrophy of the epidermis. Although many treatment modalities have been attempted with variable results, there is no criterion standard treatment modality for striae distensae. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effectiveness and
BACKGROUND Current striae treatments are limited in their ability to deliver long-lasting improvements for all skin types. The success of fractional nonablative lasers for surgical scars has been attributed to the controlled wound-healing response stimulated by microscopic columns of epidermal and

Reflectance confocal microscopy for striae distansae treatment monitoring after CO2 fractional laser

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The aim of this study is to describe the efficacy and safety of CO2 fractional laser to treat striae distensae (SD), before (T0) and 1 month after the last laser session (T1), in patients following different protocols based on the number of laser sessions, ≤4 and > 4. Efficacy was estimated with

Biophysical properties of striae rubra and striae alba in human skin: Comparison with normal skin.

Rakstu tulkošanu var veikt tikai reģistrēti lietotāji
Ielogoties Reģistrēties
BACKGROUND Striae distensae are common dermal lesions that progress through two different stages: the striae rubra, which appears to be erythematous, and striae alba, which is characterized by a hypopigmented feature. The clinical characteristics between striae distensae stages and normal skin
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