Haitian Creole

tarlov cysts/asthenia

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Minimally Invasive Treatment for a Sacral Tarlov Cyst Through Tubular Retractors.

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BACKGROUND Tarlov cysts (TC) are focal dilations of arachnoid and dura mater of the spinal posterior nerve root sheath that appear as cystic lesions of the nerve roots typically in the lower spine, especially in the sacrum, which can cause radicular symptoms when they increase in size and compress

Sacral laminoplasty and cystic fenestration in the treatment of symptomatic sacral perineural (Tarlov) cysts: Technical case report.

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BACKGROUND Perineural cysts of the sacrum, or Tarlov cysts, are cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-filled sacs that commonly occur at the intersection of the dorsal root ganglion and posterior nerve root in the lumbosacral spine. Although often asymptomatic, these cysts have the potential to produce

[Spontaneous intracranial hypotension due to a broken dorsal perineural cyst].

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BACKGROUND It is now recognized that most, if not all, cases of spontaneous intracraneal hypotension result from spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks. The exact cause of spontaneous leak often remains unclear. However, two factors are typically considered: trivial trauma and weakness of the

Successful spinal anaesthesia in a patient with a Tarlov cyst.

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Perineural (Tarlov) cysts are cerebrospinal fluid-containing perineural sacs that are usually located in the sacral spine. While often asymptomatic, they can cause progressive neurological symptoms including pain, paraesthesia and weakness. We present a case of a 24-year-old patient who had

Perineural cyst presenting like cubital tunnel syndrome.

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Perineural cysts are believed to be asymptomatic; however, they rarely cause symptoms related to nerve root compression. Cervical symptomatic perineural cysts are in fact exceedingly rare. There are no reported cervical perineural cysts in the literature that present like cubital tunnel syndrome. A

Combination of lumbar kyphosis, epidural lipomatosis, and perineural cyst as a cause of neurological deficit: a case report.

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We describe the rare simultaneous occurrence of epidural lipomatosis and a perineural cyst at the same level, lumbar kyphosis, osteoporotic vertebral fractures, and neurological deficits. A 75-year-old corticosteroid-dependent female farmer presented with severe low back pain, progressive lumbar

Tarlov cysts: a controversial lesion of the sacral spine.

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The primary aim of our study was to provide a comprehensive review of the clinical, imaging, and histopathological features of Tarlov cysts (TCs) and to report operative and nonoperative management strategies in patients with sacral TCs. A literature review was performed to identify articles that

Balloon-Assisted Fistula Sealing Procedure for Symptomatic Tarlov Cysts.

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OBJECTIVE Tarlov cyst is an abnormal expansion of the spinal nerve sleeve, and it communicates with the subarachnoid cavity via a perineural fistula. This study presents our experience of a balloon-assisted fistula sealing procedure in treating Tarlov cyst. METHODS Twenty-two patients with
Spontaneous spinal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks are increasingly recognized in patients presenting with orthostatic headache and ultimately diagnosed with intracranial hypotension. While the precise cause of these spontaneous leaks is unknown, it is thought to result from underlying weakness in

The role of sacral laminoplasty in the management of spina bifida and sacral cystic lesions: case series.

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Although laminae are not viewed as essential structures for spinal integrity, in the sacrum the anatomical weakness and gravity makes it a vulnerable area for CSF accumulation and expansion. The congenital or postoperative defects of sacral laminae, such as in patients with spina

Chronic suppurative inflammatory cyst in the sacrum.

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Sacral bone remodeling with abnormal dilatation of intervertebral foramina is usually associated with Tarlov's perineurial cysts but can also be caused by slow-growth lesions. In this case report, an atypical inflammatory sacral cyst with bone scalloping was found and some possible causes are

Intrasacral meningocele in the pediatric population.

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OBJECTIVE Intrasacral meningoceles are rare cystic lesions that can cause focal compression within the bony sacral canal. Their mechanisms are poorly understood, but most intrasacral meningoceles appear to be intrasacral extradural cysts caused by arachnoid herniating through a small dural defect in

[Cauda equina syndrome caused by Tarlov's cysts--case report].

Rakstu tulkošanu var veikt tikai reģistrēti lietotāji
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Perineural Tarlov cysts located on lumbo-sacral roots can be a cause of cauda equina syndrome. OBJECTIVE 1) To draw attention to the fact that multiple Tarlov lumbo-sacral perineural cysts can produce serious movement disturbances. 2) To document the usefulness of the magnetic resonance imaging in

Lumbar subdural hematoma detected after surgical treatment of chronic intracranial subdural hematoma: a case report.

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Spinal subdural hematoma (SSDH), which can cause lower back pain, leg pain and weakness, is rare, and is usually associated with bleeding tendency, trauma, spinal vascular malformation, intraspinal tumor, or iatrogenic invasion. Only a few cases of SSDH after intracranial chronic
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