Haitian Creole

vascular headaches/nelabums

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15 rezultātiem

Treatment of vascular headache when accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

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Impact of Co-existing Vascular Headache on Symptom Relief After Endoscopic Sinus Surgery.

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Vascular headache and chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) are diseases that share similar symptoms and demographics, including headache, facial pain and nasal symptoms. Contribution of chronic sinusitis as a cause of chronic headache is controversial, as there are scarce studies to know incidence of

Planned release dihydroergotamine in common migraine and "tension-vascular headache": multicentre clinical trial.

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The antimigraine efficacy of dihydroergotamine methanesulphonate in the pharmaceutical form of planned release capsules has been evaluated. Forty-nine subjects were treated, 39 suffering from common migraine 10 from tension vascular headache, for a period of 90 days, with an oral dose of 15 mg twice

[Swimming induced vascular headache].

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We experienced 3 cases of characteristic headache induced by swimming. The first case was a 51-year-old woman who suffered from a sudden attack of throbbing headache in the parieto-temporal region, accompanied by nausea, after 20 minutes of swimming practice in a pool. The headache disappeared after

Colloid cyst of the third ventricle--a neurological emergency.

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Colloid cyst of the third ventricle, although a benign lesion, carries with it high mortality and morbidity if not diagnosed in time. The most common presenting symptom is headache. A 31-year-old man with a history of intermittent, throbbing, unilateral headache and nausea was admitted because of

The neurobiology of migraine.

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The understanding of migraine has moved well beyond its traditional characterization as a "vascular headache." In considering the basic neurobiology of migraine, it is important to begin with the concept of migraine as not merely a headache, but rather a heterogeneous array of episodic symptoms.

[Ergotamine poisoning: a case study].

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Ergotamine is a well known pharmacological remedy applied in neurology (treatment of vascular headache) and in obstetrics (abortive remedy, uterus atony). But today it is rarely used, because of new safer anti-migraine medicine (triptanes) which cause fewer side effects. According to obstetrical

Preclinical neuropharmacology of naratriptan.

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The basic CNS neuropharmacology of naratriptan is reviewed here. Naratriptan is a second-generation triptan antimigraine drug, developed at a time when CNS activity was thought not to be relevant to its therapeutic effect in migraine. It was, however, developed to be a more lipid-soluble, more

Classification, mechanisms, and management of headache.

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Classification, epidemiology, pathophysiology, and therapy of migraine, cluster, and muscle-contraction (tension) headaches are reviewed. Migraine headache is related to vasomotor changes and is often preceded or accompanied by neurologic symptoms, nausea, and vomiting. Ergot alkaloids are used in

Symptomatic relief of migraine: multicenter comparison of Cafergot P-B, Cafergot, and placebo.

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A multicenter, randomized, double-blind trial was conducted to compare the efficacy of Cafergot P-B with that of its components, Cafergot, pentobarbital, and Bellafoline, and with placebo for the treatment of migraine. Patients with vascular headaches of the migraine type who regularly experienced

Migraine--disease or syndrome?

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Migraine is a common condition with, usually, stereotyped symptomatology, suggesting that it is a specific disease entity (a morbus sui generis). However, occasionally a migraine sufferer will exhibit atypical manifestations of the condition; also, some specific diseases such as systemic lupus

Aspergillosis infection over 20 years: a case report of probable vascular invasion in central nervous system

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Background: Aspergillosis infection of central nervous system (CNS) is rare and fatal. Diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis remains difficult. Aspergillosis of CNS can be an acute, subacute, or chronic onset, and the longest course of the

The headache-inducing effect of cilostazol in human volunteers.

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We have previously shown that nitric oxide (NO) and cyclic guanosine monophosphate (GMP) may cause headache and migraine. However, not all findings in previous studies can be explained by an activation of the NO-cGMP pathway. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) causes headache and migraine in

Reversible cognitive decline accompanies migraine and cluster headaches.

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Vascular headaches, including migraine, cluster, and migrainous transformation to chronic daily headaches, are disabling. During and shortly after headache intervals, difficulties are reported in concentration, comprehension, and communication, not accounted for by nausea, photophobia, or

Divalproex sodium in the treatment of migraine and cluster headaches.

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The discovery of a new class of effective migraine-abortive medications, the triptans, has sparked a new interest in the study of vascular headache. Over the past few years, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved six new abortive pharmacologic therapies, with several others in various
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Vispilnīgākā ārstniecības augu datu bāze, kuru atbalsta zinātne

  • Darbojas 55 valodās
  • Zāļu ārstniecības līdzekļi, kurus atbalsta zinātne
  • Garšaugu atpazīšana pēc attēla
  • Interaktīva GPS karte - atzīmējiet garšaugus atrašanās vietā (drīzumā)
  • Lasiet zinātniskās publikācijas, kas saistītas ar jūsu meklēšanu
  • Meklēt ārstniecības augus pēc to iedarbības
  • Organizējiet savas intereses un sekojiet līdzi jaunumiem, klīniskajiem izmēģinājumiem un patentiem

Ierakstiet simptomu vai slimību un izlasiet par garšaugiem, kas varētu palīdzēt, ierakstiet zāli un redziet slimības un simptomus, pret kuriem tā tiek lietota.
* Visa informācija ir balstīta uz publicētiem zinātniskiem pētījumiem

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