Haitian Creole

vernonia brazzavillensis/antibakteriāls

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Isolation and identification of antibacterial compounds from Vernonia colorata leaves.

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Vernonia colorata (Compositae) is used throughout Africa for a variety of ailments. This prompted the screening of this plant for biological activity. Previous experiments carried out in our laboratory revealed that the leaves possessed high antibacterial activity. Through conventional

Zulu medicinal plants with antibacterial activity.

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Aqueous, methanolic and ethyl acetate extracts of 14 plants used in traditional Zulu medicine for treatment of ailments of an infectious nature were screened for antibacterial activity. Most of the activity detected was against gram-positive bacteria. Tuber bark extracts of Dioscorea sylvatica had
The development of new antibiotics from new chemical entities is becoming more and more expensive, time-consuming, and compounded by emerging strains that are drug resistant. Alkaloids are plant secondary metabolites which have been shown to have potent pharmacological activities. The effect of

Antibacterial activity of Vernonia cinerea.

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The benzene extract of Vernonia cinerea showed a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity.

Phytochemical screening and antibacterial activities of Vernonia ambigua, Vernonia blumeoides and Vernonia oocephala (Asteraceae).

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Some Vernonia species (Vernonia ambigua, Vernonia blumeoides and Vernonia oocephala) used in Northern Nigerian traditional medicine, were subjected to phytochemical screening using standard procedures. The antibacterial activity using the disc diffusion method as outlined by the NCCLS was carried

Antibacterial assay and reversion of carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage on wistar mice by Vernonia amygdalina. Delile.

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In this study Vernonia amygdalina. Delile stem and leaves were evaluated for anti-cancer and antibacterial actions against selected microorganisms. The crude plant extracts were extracted using methanol and fractionated into ethyl acetate, hexane, aqueous and crude extracts. Cancer inducing agent

Antibacterial activity and morphological changes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells after exposure to Vernonia cinerea extract.

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The antibacterial activity of Vernonia cinerea (L.) extract was investigated using the broth dilution method. The extract showed a favorable antimicrobial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa with a minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) value of 3.13 mg/mL. V. cinerea extract at (1/2), 1, or 2

Antibacterial and Antioxidant Compounds from the Flower Extracts of Vernonia amygdalina.

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Vernonia amygdalina is traditionally used in Ethiopia to treat various diseases. This prompted us to isolate bioactive compounds from the flowers of this plant. The CHCl3 extract after silica gel column chromatography has led to the isolation of two compounds identified as tricosane (1) and

Antibacterial flavonoids and other compounds from the aerial parts of Vernonia guineensis Benth. (Asteraceae)†

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An extensive phytochemical study of the aerial parts of Vernonia guineensis Benth. (Asteraceae) led to the isolation of a new flavone, vernoguinoflavone (1) and a naturally isolated glycerol ester, bisarachidicester (2), together with eighteen known secondary metabolites including quercetin (3),

New sesquiterpene lactones with antibacterial activity from Vernonia fastigiata.

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Sesquiterpene lactones 1-5 were isolated for the first time from the ethyl acetate of Vernonia fastigiata (Asteraceae). Compounds 3, 4 and 5 are new, compounds 1 and 2 have been found earlier in other Vernonia species but not in V. fastigiata.

Biologically active steroids from the aerial parts of Vernonia anthelmintica Willd.

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A new steroid, vernoanthelsterone A (1), and five known steroids were isolated from the aerial parts of Vernonia anthelmintica Willd. Compound 1 possesses a Δ(8(14))-15-one moiety. To our best knowledge, few steroids with this moiety have been reported before. Compounds 1-6 were tested for their

Sesquiterpene lactones from Polydora serratuloides and their quorum sensing inhibitory activity.

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The leaves of Polydora serratuloides, with the synonym Vernonia perrottetii are widely used as purgative agents for gastrointestinal problems, and other members of Vernonieae have been used in African traditional medicine for decades. A new sesquiterpene lactone of the

Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of chondrillasterol isolated from Vernonia adoensis (Asteraceae).

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Bacteria have developed resistance to most of the current antibiotics. There is evidence suggesting that plant-derived compounds have a potential for interacting with biological processes. One of the plants commonly used in African ethnomedicine is Vernonia adoensis from the Asteraceae

Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of solvent fractions of Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less leaf extract.

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BACKGROUND Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less is used in folk medicine as a remedy for various diseases. OBJECTIVE The present study reports antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of solvent fractions of Vernonia cinerea. METHODS The antioxidant properties of solvent fractions of V. cinerea were evaluated

Antimicrobial activity and phytochemical study of Vernonia glabra (Steetz) Oliv. & Hiern. in Kenya.

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Infectious diseases are prevalent and life threatening in Kenya. Majority of the sick are seeking herbal remedies in search of effective, safe, and affordable cure. This project aims to investigate the antimicrobial activity and presence of active phytochemical compounds in different parts of
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