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Role of Potassium in Stomatal Opening in the Leaf of Vicia faba.

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With isolated epidermal strips of Vicia faba, the intensity of potassium-staining in the guard cells of stomata was calibrated against the uptake of radioactively labeled potassium. By using this calibration, the quantity of potassium that had accumulated in the guard cells, as stomata of leaves of

Evidence of cyanamide production in hairy vetch Vicia villosa.

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Cyanamide (NH(2)CN) has recently been isolated as a plant growth inhibitor from Vicia villosa, which is the first discovery of cyanamide from natural sources. To reveal the presence of the biosynthesized cyanamide in plants, 3.4 mM potassium ((15)N)nitrate was administered to 15- to 35-day-old

[Study on teratogenic effect of potassium dichromate on Vicia faba root tip cells].

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We studied the aberrant effects of different concentrations of potassium dichromate on Vicia faba root tip cells. The micronucleus and chromosome aberration assay was conducted to determine the micronucleus rate and chromosome aberration rate of Vicia faba root tip cells induced by potassium

Genotoxicity of municipal landfill leachate on root tips of Vicia faba.

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The genotoxicity of municipal landfill leachate was studied using the Vicia faba root-tip cytogenetic bioassay. Results show that landfill leachates collected in different seasons decreased the mitotic index (MI) and caused significant increases of micronucleus (MN) frequencies and anaphase

Relationship of Temperature to Stomatal Aperture and Potassium Accumulation in Guard Cells of Vicia faba.

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Epidermal strips of Vicia faba were floated on 10 millimolar KCl at various temperatures and for several time periods. The diameter of the stomatal aperture was determined microscopically and K(+) content was estimated and expressed as the per cent of the guard cell stained. Stomatal opening was

Phosphorylation of the inward-rectifying potassium channel KAT1 by ABR kinase in Vicia guard cells.

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A 48-kDa protein kinase was detected in Vicia faba guard cell protoplasts by an in-gel protein kinase assay using a recombinant peptide (KAT1C) of the carboxyl-terminus of an inward-rectifying voltage-dependent K+ channel cloned from Arabidopsis thaliana, KAT1. This protein kinase (ABR* kinase) was

Trafficking of the plant potassium inward rectifier KAT1 in guard cell protoplasts of Vicia faba.

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Trafficking of K+ inward (Kin+) rectifying channels was analyzed in guard cells of Vicia faba transfected with the Kin+ rectifier from Arabidopsis thaliana KAT1 fused to the green fluorescent protein (GFP). Confocal images and whole-cell patch-clamp measurements confirmed the incorporation of active

Effect of calcium and potassium on antioxidant system of Vicia faba L. Under cadmium stress.

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Cadmium (Cd) in soil poses a major threat to plant growth and productivity. In the present experiment, we studied the effect of calcium (Ca(2+)) and/or potassium (K(+)) on the antioxidant system, accumulation of proline (Pro), malondialdehyde (MDA), and content of photosynthetic pigments, cadmium

Accumulation of malate in guard cells of Vicia faba during stomatal opening.

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The level of malate in the epidermis from illuminated leaves of Vicia faba was greater than in that from dark-treated leaves. A difference in the malate level was still detected after the epidermis had been treated by rolling so that only the guard cells remained alive. The results suggest that

The Effect of Potassium on the Fixation of Molecular Nitrogen by Root Nodules of Vicia faba.

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The effect of potassium supply of Vicia faba on the fixation of molecular nitrogen by root nodules was studied by using (15)N-labeled molecular nitrogen. Plants well supplied with potassium showed higher contents of (15)N in the soluble amino fraction and in the protein fraction of various plant

Induction of sister-chromatid exchanges in Vicia faba by arsenic-contaminated drinking water.

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Arsenic-contaminated drinking water from various towns of Comarca Lagunera, Coahuila, Mexico, was tested for its ability to induce sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) in Vicia faba. 3-h treatments were applied and the differential staining technique of Tempelaar et al. (1982) was used. Atomic

Effects of abscisic acid on K+ channels in Vicia faba guard cell protoplasts.

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Potassium channels were resolved in Vicia faba guard cell protoplasts by patch voltage-clamp. Whole-cell currents and single K+ channels had linear instantaneous current-voltage relations, reversing at the calculated Nernst potential for K+. Whole cell K+ currents activated exponentially during step

Regulation of Apoplastic pH in Source Leaves of Vicia faba by Gibberellic Acid.

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Leaf discs of broad bean (Vicia faba L.), peeled on the spongy mesophyll side, rapidly altered the pH of the surrounding medium (apoplast). Using pH indicator paper appressed against the leaf, immediately after peeling, initial apoplastic pH was estimated to be 4.5. Changes in the apoplastic pH were

Shoot chloride translocation as a determinant for NaCl tolerance in Vicia faba L.

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Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is sensitive to salinity. While toxic effects of sodium (Na+) are well studied, toxicity aspects of chloride (Cl-) and the underlying tolerance mechanisms to Cl- are not well understood. For this reason, shoot Cl- translocation

Isolation of a potassium-selective ion channel from the plasma membrane of the broad bean Vicia faba L.

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Potassium ions are essential for plant nutrition and play an important role in osmoregulation and plant movement. Recent patch clamp investigations and molecular analysis have identified voltage-dependent potassium channels responsible for translocation of this ion across plant membranes. In order
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