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Vicia faba as a bioindicator of oil pollution.

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In 1990, the Gulf War caused an unprecedented environmental catastrophe. More than 700 oil wells were set on fire, emitting thousands of tons of oxides of nitrogen, sulfur, soot and oil mist at high temperatures. The blazing oil wells and lakes were the major cause of environmental pollution,

Ion-dependent metabolic responses of Vicia faba L. to salt stress.

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Salt-affected farmlands are increasingly burdened by chlorides, carbonates, and sulfates of sodium, calcium, and magnesium. Intriguingly, the underlying physiological processes are studied almost always under NaCl stress. Two faba bean cultivars were subjected to low- and high-salt treatments of

Fast responses of metabolites in Vicia faba L. to moderate NaCl stress.

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Salt stress impairs global agricultural crop production by reducing vegetative growth and yield. Despite this importance, a number of gaps exist in our knowledge about very early metabolic responses that ensue minutes after plants experience salt stress. Surprisingly, this early phase remains almost

Physiological and biochemical responses involved in water deficit tolerance of nitrogen-fixing Vicia faba.

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Climate change is increasingly impacting the water deficit over the world. Because of drought and the high pressure of the rising human population, water is becoming a scarce and expensive commodity, especially in developing countries. The identification of crops presenting a higher acclimation to

Expression, detection of candidate function and homology modeling for Vicia villosa ornithine δ-aminotransferase.

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The accumulation of compatible solutes during stress in plant cell is well documented. Proline is one of these solutes which accumulate in the cytosol in response to drought or salinity stress in plants. Proline has several functions during stress just like osmotic adjustment, osmoprotection, free

A survey of transcripts expressed specifically in root nodules of broadbean (Vicia faba L.).

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More than 600 potentially nodule-specific clones have been detected by differential hybridization of a broadbean cDNA library constructed from root nodule poly(A)+ RNA. These isolated cDNAs belong to at least 28 different clone groups containing cross-hybridizing sequences. The number of clones

Accumulation of nickel ions in seedlings of Vicia sativa L. and manifestations of oxidative stress.

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The accumulation of nickel ions in the roots and shoots of vetch seedlings (Vicia sativa L.) at increasing concentrations of nickel chloride in the medium was studied. It was shown that the accumulation of nickel in the shoots was increased when the concentration of nickel chloride in the medium was

Mitigation of adverse effects of heat stress on Vicia faba by exogenous application of magnesium.

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The effects of magnesium (Mg) supplementation on the growth performance, oxidative damage, DNA damage, and photosynthetic pigment synthesis, as well as on the activity level of carbonic anhydrase (CA), ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco), and antioxidant enzymes were studied in Vicia

Effect of calcium and potassium on antioxidant system of Vicia faba L. Under cadmium stress.

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Cadmium (Cd) in soil poses a major threat to plant growth and productivity. In the present experiment, we studied the effect of calcium (Ca(2+)) and/or potassium (K(+)) on the antioxidant system, accumulation of proline (Pro), malondialdehyde (MDA), and content of photosynthetic pigments, cadmium

Oxidative stress and DNA damage in broad bean (Vicia faba L.) seedlings induced by thallium.

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Thallium (Tl) is a metal of great toxicological concern because it is highly toxic to all living organisms through mechanisms that are yet poorly understood. Since Tl is accumulated by important crops, the present study aimed to analyze the biological effects induced by bioaccumulation of Tl in

Exogenous application of salicylic acid to alleviate the toxic effects of insecticides in Vicia faba L.

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The present study investigated the possible mediatory role of salicylic acid (SA) in protecting plants from insecticides toxicity. The seeds of Vicia faba var IIVR Selection-1 were treated with different concentrations (1.5, 3.0, and 6.0 ppm) of the insecticides alphamethrin (AM) and endosulfan (ES)

Accumulation of heavy metals and antioxidant responses in Vicia faba plants grown on monometallic contaminated soil.

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The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of soil contamination by selected metals (cadmium, copper, nickel, lead or zinc) on the antioxidant response of Vicia faba plants. The levels of the antioxidants: glutathione, proline, non-protein thiols, as well as guaiacol peroxidase and

Manganese induced changes in growth, chlorophyll content and antioxidants activity in seedlings of broad bean (Vicia faba L.).

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The effect of manganese (Mn) on broad bean (Vicia faba L.) was studied with regard to growth, Mn accumulation in root and shoot, chlorophyll, proline content and peroxidase activity. Seeds were treated with Mn (10, 20, 40, 80,120,160 microM) and grown hydroponically up to 15 days. Manganese level in

Single-bilayer graphene oxide sheet impacts and underlying potential mechanism assessment in germinating faba bean (Vicia faba L.).

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This study investigates the impact of different single-bilayer graphene oxide sheet (hereafter 'graphene oxide', GO; size: 0.5-5 μm) concentrations (0, 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1,600 mg L(-1)) and underlying potential mechanisms in germinating faba bean (Vicia faba L.) seedlings. The study revealed
Feeding a casein-based diet with either 400 g/kg of tannin-containing faba bean hulls (Vicia faba L.) (1.41% condensed tannins) or 60 g/kg of a tannin-rich hull extract of faba beans (1.99% condensed tannins) to rats over a period of 7 d resulted in a 2.6 and 1.5 fold increase in weight of the
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