An exanthem is a widespread rash occurring on the outside of the body and usually occurring in children. An exanthem can be caused by toxins, drugs, or microorganisms, or can result from autoimmune disease.
The term exanthem is from the Greek ἐξάνθημα, exánthēma, 'a breaking out'. It can be contrasted with enanthems which occur inside the body, such as on mucous membranes.
In 1905, the Russian-French physician Léon Cheinisse (1871-1924), proposed a numbered classification of the six most common childhood ...
Прочитајте повеќе на ВикипедијаНапишете симптом или болест и прочитајте за билки што можат да помогнат, напишете билка и видете болести и симптоми против кои се користи.
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