Colic is a form of pain that starts and stops abruptly. It occurs due to muscular contractions of a hollow tube (colon, gall bladder, ureter, etc.) in an attempt to relieve an obstruction by forcing content out. It may be accompanied by sweating and vomiting. Types include:
Baby colic, a condition, usually in infants, characterized by incessant crying
Biliary colic, blockage by a gallstone of the common bile duct or cystic duct
Devon colic or painter's colic, an affliction caused by lead poisoning ...
Прочитајте повеќе на ВикипедијаНапишете симптом или болест и прочитајте за билки што можат да помогнат, напишете билка и видете болести и симптоми против кои се користи.
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