Orchitis is inflammation of the testes. It can also involve swelling, pains and frequent infection, particularly of the epididymis, as in epididymitis. The term is from the Ancient Greek ὄρχις meaning 'testicle'; same root as orchid.
Symptoms of orchitis are similar to those of testicular torsion. These can include:
hematospermia (blood in the semen)
hematuria (blood in the urine)
visible swelling of a testicle or testicles and often the inguinal lymph nodes on the affected side.
Orchitis can be ...
Прочитајте повеќе на ВикипедијаНапишете симптом или болест и прочитајте за билки што можат да помогнат, напишете билка и видете болести и симптоми против кои се користи.
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