A comparison of regenerated cell walls in tobacco and cereal protoplasts.
Клучни зборови
Four independent kinds of observations indicate that the cell wall regenerated by oat (Avena sativa L.) and corn (Zea mays L.) protoplasts in culture is less well developed than that regenerated by tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) protoplasts. Following wall regeneration the cereal protoplasts remained susceptible to osmotic shock upon transfer to water, showed great enlargement, stained poorly with calcofluor white, and maintained a positive internal electrical potential. The development of a negative membrane potential by tobacco protoplasts in culture often occurred simultaneously with the onset of cell division. Since division was observed only in protoplasts which had regenerated good cell walls and had re-established negative membrane potentials it is suggested that culture conditions which favor these two processes should improve protoplast viability.