Composition and potential use of some tropical fruits.
Клучни зборови
The nutritional role fruits could play in poor-quality diets, as sources of vitamin A and ascorbic acid, is described. Likewise, summarized information is presented on the use of some unknown tropical fruits relatively abundant in Central America as components of high-protein foods, providing nutrients such as provitamin A and ascorbic acid, as well as a variety of flavors. In these studies the fruit pulp as a purée was added either fresh or drum-dried, to a corn-soybean blend. In all cases there occurred a decrease in protein quality, which was more marked for some fruits than for others, probably due to the dehydration process used. The chemical composition of other tropical fruits, not consumed by people but which could be used as animal feed, is also presented. This type of fruits includes the Chalum (Inga, spp.) and some Cucurbitaceae. Others contain seeds with a high oil and protein content. Among the latter, Jícara (Crescentia alata) offers very good industrial possibilities.