[Management of thyroid cancers and nodules: what's new].
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The use of 18FDG-PET has become standard in the management of various malignancies but its application to thyroid nodules and carcinomas is not yet well defined. For the evaluation of thyroid nodules, 18FDG-PET can not consistently predict the nature of the lesions although there are some trends to higher uptakes in malignant tumours. On the other hand, it helps to detect and localize persistent diseases when progressive dedifferentiation of thyroid tumour tissue leads to a loss of iodine uptake. In addition, the more metabolically active lesions are associated with a poor prognosis. For the treatment of advanced thyroid carcinomas, recent clinical studies have now evidenced the promising results of tyrosine kinases inhibitors which can lead to partial responses in patients with progressive differentiated thyroid cancer.