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3 4 dihydroxyphenylacetic acid/дебелина

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15 резултати

The assessment of the dopaminergic tonus by urinary determinations of homovanillic acid (HVA) and dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) in normal, obese and GH-deficient short children.

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In order to assess the dopaminergic tonus, urinary determinations of HVA and DOPAC and also of noradrenaline (NA), adrenaline (A), and methoxyhydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) were performed in 86 obese children, 11 growth hormone (GH)-deficient short children and also in 40 control children. Part of the

Neuronal activity in hypothalamic nuclei of obese and lean Zucker rats.

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Central neural activity was assessed by measuring relative cytochrome oxidase (CO) activity in the ventromedial nucleus (VMN; thermogenesis regulation), the parvocellular paraventricular nucleus (PVN; feeding regulation), and the magnocellular PVN (secretion of vasopressin and oxytocin) in 10

Hypothalamic monoaminergic activity in 11-week-old cold-exposed female lean (Fa/Fa) and obese (fa/fa) Zucker rats.

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We previously reported that serotonergic activity was reduced in the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMN) of obese vs. lean male Zucker rats. To verify that this reduction was associated with genotype rather than gender, we measured monoamines and their major metabolites in hypothalamic nuclei of

Altered ambulatory activity and related brain monoamine metabolism in genetically obese Zucker rats.

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Feeding-related behavior and alteration of brain monoamine metabolism were examined in the male lean, and obese Zucker rats. Ambulatory activity of obese rats was reduced in the dark cycle. Dopamine (DA) and its metabolite, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), contents were significantly

Hypothalamic neurochemistry and feeding behavioral responses to clonidine, an alpha-2-agonist, and to trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine, a putative 5-hydroxytryptamine-1B agonist, in genetically obese Zucker rats.

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Genetically obese Zucker rats are hyperphagic, hyperinsulinemic and hyperlipemic. In order to investigate pathophysiological mechanisms underlying hyperphagia in these animals, monoamine metabolism and turnover were studied in discrete hypothalamic nuclei known to participate in the control of

Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens shell induces anti-obesity effects in obese rats with alteration of dopamine neurotransmission.

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The aim of this study was to assess the anti-obesity effects of nucleus accumbens shell (NAc-sh) deep brain stimulation (DBS) in diet-induced obese (DIO) and chow-fed (chow) rats. The influence of DBS on dopamine (DA) signaling in the NAc-sh was also evaluated. DIO and chow rats were subjected to

Spontaneous feeding-related monoamine changes in rostromedial hypothalamus of the obese Zucker rat: a microdialysis study.

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Using microdialysis in freely moving rats, we have been able to observe changes in monoamines from the ventromedial and paraventricular hypothalamic nuclei before, during, and after spontaneous feeding. Because the genetically obese Zucker rat shows abnormalities related both to feeding and

Alterations in blood glucose levels under hyperinsulinemia affect accumbens dopamine.

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Dopaminergic systems have been implicated in diabetes and obesity. Notwithstanding, the most basic relationship between dopamine and plasma insulin as well as glucose levels yet remains unknown. The present experiments were designed to investigate the effects of acute hyperinsulinemia on basal

The antipsychotic drug sulpiride does not affect bodyweight in male rats. Is insulin resistance involved?

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Previous studies have shown that prolonged administration of antipsychotic drugs induces obesity in female but not in male rats. To explore the mechanisms involved in this sex-dependent effect, we administered the dopamine antagonist sulpiride (20 mg/kg i.p.) or vehicle (0.1 N HCl) to adult male

Interaction of phentermine plus fenfluramine: neurochemical and neurotoxic effects.

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Previous studies have reported the use of combined serotonergic and dopaminergic agonists in the treatment of obesity and alcoholism. Along these lines, phentermine plus fenfluramine has been suggested as a possible clinical treatment for alcohol craving. To determine the neurochemical effects of a

Effects of insulin on brain monoamine metabolism in the Zucker rat: influence of genotype and age.

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Disturbances of insulin or brain monoamine metabolism may play a role in the impaired regulation of food intake and body weight in the obese Zucker rat. We investigated a possible insulin-monoamine interaction by measuring monoamine levels in the hypothalamus and striatum of obese (fa-fa) and lean

Litter size, adrenalectomy and high fat diet alter hypothalamic monoamines in genetically lean (Fa/Fa) Zucker rats.

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To determine if diet-induced obesity is associated with depressed serotonergic activity (as is genetic obesity), we examined hypothalamic biogenic amines in 11-wk-old genetically lean (Fa/Fa) male Zucker rats raised in small (3 pups/dam) or control (8-9 pups/dam) litters. Five-week-old rats were

A novel neurotensin peptide analog given extracranially decreases food intake and weight in rodents.

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Neurotensin decreases food intake in the rat when injected into the cerebral ventricles. We tested the effect of a novel neurotensin analog (NT69L), injected intra-peritoneally (i.p.), on weight gain and food intake in rats. Sprague-Dawley rats (270 g) were injected i. p. with either saline or NT69L

Striatal dopamine metabolism is differentially affected by insulin according to the genotype in Zucker rats: a microdialysis study.

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The genetically obese Zucker rat presents several abnormalities related to insulin and brain monoamines, which may play a role in its impaired regulation of food intake and body weight. In a previous study, the possible insulin-monoamine interplay was investigated by measuring brain monoamine and

Effects of a high-fat-diet supplemented with probiotics and ω3-fatty acids on appetite regulatory neuropeptides and neurotransmitters in a pig model

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The pig is a valuable animal model to study obesity in humans due to the physiological similarity between humans and pigs in terms of digestive and associated metabolic processes. The dietary use of vegetal protein, probiotics and omega-3 fatty acids is recommended to control weight gain and to
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