3 резултати
1. A case of poisoning due to the raw root tuber of a Chinese medicinal plant, Alocasia macrorrhiza is presented. 2. The patient developed neurological (severe pain and numbness in the perioral area and throat) and gastrointestinal (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain) symptoms immediately after eating
Alocasia macrorrhiza (L) Schott and Endl is called Hai Yu, Tien Ho, Shan Yu, Kuan Yin Lien, Tu Chiao lien, Lao Hu Yu and Lang Du in Chinese. Its common English name is Giant Elephant's Ear. The toxic effects of A macrorrhiza arise from sapotoxin and include gastroenteritis and paralysis of the nerve
Alocasia, the Araceae family, is a genus of more than 100 species of perennial, herbaceous, diminutive to extremely large, usually robust herbs with a clear-to-milky latex. They are distributed throughout subtropical and tropical Asia and in the tropical western pacific as well as eastern Australia.