Haitian Creole

autonomic dysreflexia/seizures

Врската е зачувана во таблата со исечоци
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Seizures and cortical blindness after meglumine (hypaque) administration: a variant of autonomic dysreflexia.

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Autonomic dysreflexia (AD) is a syndrome that consists of facial flushing, excessive sweating, nasal congestion, throbbing headache and paroxysmal hypertension which may occur in response to bladder distension in patients with spinal cord lesions above the T6 level. We report the case of a C2

Autonomic Dysreflexia Resulting in Seizure After Colonoscopy in a Patient With Spinal Cord Injury.

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There are many potential procedural risks associated with colonoscopy. We present a case of autonomic dysreflexia complicated by seizure after colonoscopy in a patient with a spinal cord injury. Autonomic dysreflexia is a disorder characterized by hypertension, bradycardia, headache, and diaphoresis

Seizures secondary to autonomic dysreflexia.

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Seizures are a little-recognized component of the syndrome of autonomic dysreflexia. Three patients who exhibited seizures during episodes of dysreflexia independent of intracerebral pathology are described. The presence of seizures in patients with traumatic myelopathy T-6 should alert the

[Epidural anesthesia and prevention of autonomic hyperreflexia in a paraplegic parturient].

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Pregnancy in a patient suffering from high spinal cord lesions is unusual and can lead to serious autonomic hyperreflexia during delivery. Epidural anaesthesia has been suggested as a means of decreasing such a risk. This clinical report presents the case of a paraplegic patient with lesions above
BACKGROUND The Manchester Triage System is commonly used as the triage system in emergency departments of the UK. As per the Manchester Triage System, patients presenting with retention of urine to the accident and emergency department are categorized to yellow, which denotes that the ideal maximum

Fatal collapse due to autonomic dysreflexia during manual self-evacuation of bowel in a tetraplegic patient living alone: lessons to learn.

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UNASSIGNED To identify areas for improvement, the National Health Service in England mandates the review of case reports of patients who have died, which should be translated into improved care for other patients. UNASSIGNED A 49-year-old Caucasian man sustained C-7 tetraplegia in a motorcycle

Pathophysiology involved in autonomic dysreflexia.

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Autonomic dysreflexia has potentially life-threatening consequences in quadriplegics and high paraplegics. Seizures, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and fatal stroke may result. This article explains the pathophysiology of autonomic dysreflexia. Appropriate nursing interventions to prevent serious

Autonomic dysreflexia in spinal cord injury.

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Autonomic dysreflexia is a medical emergency occurring after spinal cord injury caused by disruption of the normal autonomic responses to a stimulus below the level of spinal cord lesion. Although it can lead to stroke, convulsions, cardiac arrest and death, health professionals are largely ignorant

Recognition and effective management of autonomic dysreflexia in spinal cord injuries.

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Autonomic dysreflexia is a potentially life-threatening hypertensive medical emergency that occurs most often in spinal cord-injured individuals with spinal lesions at or above the mid-thoracic spinal cord level. It is a condition that remains poorly recognised outside of spinal cord injury centres,

Intrathecal baclofen as emergency treatment alleviates severe intractable autonomic dysreflexia in cervical spinal cord injury.

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Context: Episodic attacks of autonomic dysreflexia (AD) are regularly experienced by patients with a spinal cord injury (SCI) on T6 or higher levels. The episodes can result in a pounding headache, flushing, blurred vision, anxiety, a stroke, posturing, hyperthermia, retinal bleeding,

Autonomic dysreflexia associated with transient aphasia.

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METHODS Case report of autonomic dysreflexia presenting with transient aphasia in a subject with C4 tetraplegia. OBJECTIVE To report a rare case of autonomic dysreflexia. METHODS Rehabilitation Service, The Ohio State University, USA. METHODS A 21-year-old man with a C4 spinal cord injury (ASIA B)

Guanethidine sulfate in the prevention of autonomic hyperreflexia.

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Autonomic hyperreflexia constitutes the only medical emergency seen in spinal cord injury patients. Uncontrolled hypertension and bradycardia can result in seizures and death. The acute treatment of the syndrome has ranged from medical ganglionic blockers to topical anesthetic agents to surgical

Atrial fibrillation associated with autonomic dysreflexia.

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Autonomic dysreflexia is an acute disorder of autonomic homeostasis occurring in persons with spinal cord lesions above the major splanchnic sympathetic outflow. Atrial fibrillation is a serious cardiac arrhythmia characterized by disorganized atrial depolarization and an irregular ventricular

Prediction of autonomic dysreflexia during urodynamics: a prospective cohort study.

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Autonomic dysreflexia is a severe and potentially life-threatening condition in patients with spinal cord injury, as it can lead to myocardial ischemia, brain hemorrhage, or even death. Urodynamic investigation is the gold standard to assess neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction due to spinal

Autonomic dysreflexia.

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Autonomic dysreflexia (AD) may complicate spinal cord injured (SCI) subjects with a lesion level above the sixth thoracic level. There are several ways to remove triggering factors and, furthermore, new trigger mechanisms may be added by the introduction of new treatments. New data about the
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