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After introduction of surgical anesthesia with general agents such as ether and chloroform, a large number of deaths due to anesthetic toxicity were reported. With the aim to reduce toxicity several types of mixtures were devised. One of the most important was the association of opioids and
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Poisoning due to chloroform ingestion is rare. The classic features of acute chloroform toxicity include central nervous system (CNS) and respiratory depression, and delayed hepatotoxicity.
A 30-year-old female ingested 20-30 mL of 99% chloroform solution, which caused rapid loss
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Charles Darwin suffered relapsing, debilitating illness for most of his adult life with many symptoms. His most prominent complaints were episodic nausea, retching and vomiting. As is common in patients with repeated vomiting he developed dental problems, problems that may be dated back to his
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Acute poisoning with organic solvents and other volatile compounds now usually follows deliberate inhalation (volatile substance abuse) or ingestion of these compounds. Solvents from adhesives, typewriter correction and dry cleaning fluids, cigarette lighter refills (butane) and aerosol propellants
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"Few drugs have excited such widespread interest and stimulated as much clinical and laboratory investigation as halothane." —Editorial, Brit. J. Anaesth. (1962).[1] Halothane is a clear, heavy, and colorless liquid with a sweet and non-irritating odor. Halothane’s structure is that of an
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Those conditions of the new-born characterized by a hemorrhagic tendency, icterus, and fatty changes, are probably all syndromes which may occur as the result of a number of toxic agents. All of them, however, have been produced, in these experiments, by the action of a single experimental agent.
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In this phase II and pharmacokinetic study, chronic, low-dose, oral etoposide was evaluated for its efficacy in patients with AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma who were not previously exposed to cytotoxic therapy.
Of 28 patients accrued for the study, 25 were assessable for toxicity
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The major use of N-acetylcysteine in clinical toxicology is in the treatment of acetaminophen (paracetamol) overdosage. The hepatorenal toxicity of acetaminophen is mediated by a reactive metabolite normally detoxified by reduced glutathione. If glutathione is depleted, covalent binding to
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