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Врската е зачувана во таблата со исечоци
13 резултати

Natural Vaccinia Virus Infection: Diagnosis, Isolation, and Characterization.

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Natural infections of Vaccinia virus (VACV)-the prototype species of the Orthopoxvirus genus, from the family Poxviridae and subfamily Chordopoxvirinae-cause an occupational emergent zoonotic disease that is primarily associated with the handling of infected dairy cattle. In humans, VACV infection

[Effect of neurotropin on chronic headaches in children].

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We report the cases of 2 girls, aged 13 and 15 years, who experienced exacerbation of migraine at 2-3 years after its onset. The chronic headaches were refractory to various anti-migraine and analgesic agents, persisted for 3-6 months in each patient, and rendered them unable to attend school. These

[Cowpox in man].

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Two cases of human infection caused by vaccinia virus were recorded in the Rzeszów province (Poland), this infection being absent both in this province and in the whole country for many years. The diagnosis was based on the investigation of isolated samples (from one female patient) and the

Human Vaccinia virus and Pseudocowpox virus co-infection: clinical description and phylogenetic characterization.

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BACKGROUND Occupational exanthematic diseases represent an important cause of public health impact and economical losses. Among the viral exanthematic diseases, two caused by poxviruses are noteworthy: the bovine vaccinia (BV), caused by the Vaccinia virus (VACV); and the milker's nodule, in which

Recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara expressing glycoprotein E2 of Chikungunya virus protects AG129 mice against lethal challenge.

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Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) infection is characterized by rash, acute high fever, chills, headache, nausea, photophobia, vomiting, and severe polyarthralgia. There is evidence that arthralgia can persist for years and result in long-term discomfort. Neurologic disease with fatal outcome has been

Natural human infections with Vaccinia virus during bovine vaccinia outbreaks.

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BACKGROUND Bovine vaccinia is an exanthematic disease caused by Vaccinia virus (VACV). This zoonosis has been associated with several cases of bovine infection, particularly in milk herds. Farmers, milkers and their close contacts developed lesions on the hands, forearms, legs and face accompanied

Zoonotic Brazilian Vaccinia virus: from field to therapy.

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Vaccinia virus (VACV), the prototype species of the Orthopoxvirus (OPV) genus, causes an occupational zoonotic disease in Brazil that is primarily associated with the handling of infected dairy cattle. Cattle and human outbreaks have been described in southeastern Brazil since 1999 and have now

[Human infections caused by vaccinia-like poxviruses in Brazil].

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Since 1999, human infection caused by Orthopoxvirus has been observed in at least eight Brazilian states, with the presence of vesicles that evolve to pustules and crusts, especially on the hands, arms and face, after contact with cows showing comparable lesions on the udder. In addition to the skin

Urticaria, exanthems, and other benign dermatologic reactions to smallpox vaccination in adults.

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A phase 1 smallpox vaccine trial involving 350 adult volunteers was conducted. Of these subjects, 250 were naive to vaccinia virus vaccine (i.e., "vaccinia naive"). Volunteers received a new cell-cultured smallpox vaccine or a live vaccinia virus vaccine. Nine self-limiting rashes (3.6%) were

Smallpox vaccination and adverse reactions. Guidance for clinicians.

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The guidance in this report is for evaluation and treatment of patients with complications from smallpox vaccination in the preoutbreak setting. Information is also included related to reporting adverse events and seeking specialized consultation and therapies for these events. The frequencies of

Tanapox: a new disease caused by a pox virus.

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Two epidemics of a new virus disease, tanapox, occurred in 1957 and 1962 among the Wapakomo tribe along the Tana River in Kenya. Several hundred people were affected by a short febrile illness with headache and prostration and the disease was characterized by a single pock-like lesion on the upper

Safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenicity of a chimpanzee adenovirus vectored Ebola vaccine in adults in Africa: a randomised, observer-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial.

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The 2014 Zaire Ebola virus disease epidemic accelerated vaccine development for the virus. We aimed to assess the safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenicity of one dose of monovalent, recombinant, chimpanzee adenovirus type-3 vectored Zaire Ebola glycoprotein vaccine (ChAd3-EBO-Z) in

Reactions to small pox vaccine in naïve and previously-vaccinated individuals.

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Two hundred health care workers in England and Wales were vaccinated with the Lister/Elstree strain of the vaccinia virus, and completed health diaries for 21 days or until the lesion had scabbed over. Pain and temperature were measured daily, and all other symptoms recorded freehand by the
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