Haitian Creole

disseminated intravascular coagulation/калиум

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[Periostal effusion in hypernatremic dehydration with disseminated intravascular coagulation].

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BACKGROUND Several cases of hypernatremic dehydration complicated by consumption coagulopathy and peripheral gangrene have been reported. METHODS A 4.5 month-old boy was admitted suffering from acute gastroenteritis with cyanotic edema of the distal part of the left leg and foot. His serum sodium

Suicidal intoxication with potassium chlorate successfully treated with renal replacement therapy and extracorporeal liver support.

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We present a case of a 22-year-old male who, in a suicide attempt, ingested approximately 200 g of potassium chlorate. Upon admission to the hospital, he presented in full respiratory failure with cyanosis. Methylene blue antidote was given but found to be ineffective. The patient was intubated and

Inhibition of prostasin secretion by serine protease inhibitors in the kidney.

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A serine protease, prostasin, has been shown to stimulate the activity of amiloride-sensitive sodium channels (ENaC). Prostasin is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein that is found free in physiologic fluids and tissue culture medium, but the mechanism by which prostasin is secreted from

The management of severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia.

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With improving standards of antenatal care, severe pre-eclampsia dn eclampsia are becoming less common and experience in the management of these conditions is lessening. Co-ordinated plans for the care of patients should be established by obstetricians and anaesthetists working as a team. A suitable

One hundred consecutive cases of selective termination of an abnormal fetus in a multifetal gestation.

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OBJECTIVE To determine whether transabdominal selective termination of one or more abnormal fetuses in a multifetal pregnancy with dichorionic placentation is a safe and effective procedure. METHODS One hundred consecutive selective termination procedures were performed by transabdominal injection

Lizard bites of the head and neck.

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BACKGROUND As the ownership of lizards becomes more prevalent in the United States, injuries from these exotic pets will increase. Emergency and primary care physicians must be familiar with the proper management of lizard bites to the head and neck. OBJECTIVE The aim of this case report is to

What constitutes adequate perfusion?

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Success of a perfusion depends not as much on the perfusion system as how that system is applied. A bubble oxygenator system properly managed can be safely run for many hours. Perfusion rate alone is an inadequate criteria for conduct of an adequate perfusion. 75 to 100 cc/kilo/min. perfusion rate

Deep coma and hypokalaemia of unknown aetiology following Bungarus caeruleus bites: Exploration of pathophysiological mechanisms with two case studies.

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Bungarotoxin present in Bungarus caeruleus (BC) causes life threatening respiratory muscle paralysis. Deep coma and hypokalaemia have been observed in a significant proportion of patients, but the cause is unknown. We postulate the likely mechanism behind these two phenomena. We studied clinical

Increased intestinal permeability: implications for thoracoabdominal aneurysm repair.

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Coagulopathy and massive bleeding plays a major role in the mortality of thoraco-abdominal aneurysm repair. Increasing supraceliac aortic cross-clamp time from 0 to 90 minutes increases the degree of disseminated intravascular coagulation, which occurs as a result of occlusion and reperfusion of the

Histological and ultrastructural changes following carrageenan injection in the mouse.

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Mice were injected intravenously with either uncharacterised potassium carrageenan or purified iota carrageenan and tissue was examined by light and electron microscopy 1 hr and 24 hr later. The survival of animals injected with these carrageenans was monitored over a 6-month period. Histological

A phase III clinical trial of a mixture agent of plasma-derived factor VIIa and factor X (MC710) in haemophilia patients with inhibitors.

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BACKGROUND MC710, a 1:10 protein weight ratio mixture of plasma-derived activated factor VII (FVIIa) and factor X (FX), is a novel bypassing agent for haemostasis in haemophilia patients with inhibitors. We evaluated the haemostatic efficacy and safety of one to two administrations of MC710 in 21

Clinical course in 52 severely wounded patients treated in the intensive care unit during the war in Croatia.

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Fifty-two severely wounded patients, admitted directly from a battlefield or after surgical treatment in a war hospital, were treated in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit of the 'Sisters of Mercy' University Hospital in Zagreb during the 1991 war in Croatia. Considering the severity of the wounds,

Selective termination for structural, chromosomal, and mendelian anomalies: international experience.

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OBJECTIVE Our purpose was to evaluate the outcomes of selective termination for fetal anomalies at 8 centers with the largest known experiences worldwide. METHODS Outcomes in 402 cases of selective termination in pregnancies with dizygotic twins from 8 centers in 4 countries were analyzed by year,

Meningococcal septic shock in children: clinical and laboratory features, outcome, and development of a prognostic score.

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The clinical characteristics of and outcome for 75 children with meningococcal septic shock were studied. In addition, a new prognostic scoring system was developed. The median age of the patients was 3.2 years (range, 3 weeks to 17.9 years). The most common phenotype of Neisseria meningitidis was

Additional mechanisms of nafamostat mesilate-associated hyperkalaemia.

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OBJECTIVE Nafamostat mesilate, a potent protease inhibitor, is widely used for the treatment of pancreatitis, disseminated intravascular coagulation and as an anticoagulant in haemodialysis. However, hyperkalaemia associated with nafamostat mesilate has been reported. It is thought to be due to
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