3 резултати
Siberian ginseng, the root and stem bark of Acanthopanax senticosus Harms, has been used as a tonic and adaptogen to strengthen qi in traditional Korean medicine. The neuroprotective effects of water extracts of A. senticosus (ASW) were investigated in transient middle cerebral artery occlusion
The effect of Eleutherococcus on subcellular heart organization in rats with or without myocardial infarction was investigated. It was found that Eleutherococcus decreases ultrastructural lesions in the ischemic area, intensifies regeneration of subcellular structures and accelerates the recovery
The course administration (16 mg/kg per os for 5 days) of extracts of Panax ginseng or Rhodiola rosea induced a decrease in the infarction size/the area at risk (IS AAR) ratio during a 45-min local ischemia and a 2-hr reperfusion in artificially ventilated chloralose-anaesthetized rats. Single