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fecal impaction/треска

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A case of Klebsiella pneumoniae spondylitis and bacteremia potentially due to inflammation around a fecalith.

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We herein report a case of Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae) spondylitis and bacteremia in a 90-year-old man with diabetes mellitus who had undergone sigmoidectomy and had a fecalith. Two months prior to admission, he had received antimicrobial treatment for 2 weeks for K. pneumoniae bacteremia

Gangrenous appendicitis in children: a prospective evaluation of definition, bacteriology, histopathology, and outcomes.

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BACKGROUND The definition and treatment of gangrenous appendicitis are not agreed upon. We performed a prospective study in children to evaluate an objective definition of gangrenous appendicitis, as well as associated bacteriology, histopathology, and outcomes. METHODS Five staff pediatric surgeons

Appendectomy and resection of the terminal ileum with secondary severe necrotic changes in acute perforated appendicitis.

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BACKGROUND Resectional procedures for advanced and complicated appendicitis are performed infrequently. Their extent can vary: cecal resection, ileocecectomy, and even right hemicolectomy. We present a very rare case of appendectomy that was combined with partial ileal resection for severe necrotic

[Synchronous acute cholecystolithiasis and perforated acute appendicitis. Case report].

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BACKGROUND Acute appendicitis and acute cholecystitis are among the most common diagnoses that general surgeons operate on. However, it is rarely described in its synchronous form. METHODS A 43 year-old woman attending the clinic for right upper quadrant pain of 11 days duration. The patient refers

A stump appendicitis in a child: a case report.

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BACKGROUND Stump appendicitis is a delayed complication of appendectomy. It is rare and few cases reported in the paediatric literature. The authors report on another case in a child and focus on the diagnostic peculiarities of this entity. METHODS A 9-year-old boy with previous history of open

Atypical presentation of geriatric infections.

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Infection is a common problem in elderly patients, the most common infections being those in the urinary tract and the respiratory tract. In geriatric practice, infection is most frequently seen in combination with many other problems. The geriatric presentation is described in which patients may

[Vesicoappendiceal Fistula: A Case Report].

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A 65-year-old man had been aware of pieces of food occasionally in the urine since February 2008. In November 2010, he came to an outpatient clinic with high fever and cloudy urine and was diagnosed with urinary tract infection. Because he had fecaluria, interconnection between urinary bladder and

A cross-sectional analysis of the prevalence of undertreatment of nonpain symptoms and factors associated with undertreatment in older nursing home hospice/palliative care patients.

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BACKGROUND Approximately 25% of all US deaths occur in the long-term care setting, and this figure is projected to rise to 40% by the year 2040. Currently, there is limited information on nonpain symptoms and their appropriate treatment in this setting at the end of life. OBJECTIVE This study

Obstructive uropathy caused by chronic constipation.

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We herein report a case regarding a 90-year-old woman with a history of recurrent episodes of urinary tract infections presenting with fever. Urinalysis revealed bacteria and white blood cells. Computed tomography showed dilated and fecally loaded rectum and colon with signs of obstructive uropathy.

Headaches in patients with traumatic lesions of the cervical spinal cord.

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We established the occurrence of headache in a group of 20 patients with traumatic transections of the cervical spinal cord. All but two patients had complete sensory lesions at levels varying from C2-3 to C7-8. Only three patients claimed to have no headaches at all although one of them had nuchal

Endoscopic intervention for acute appendicitis: retrospective study of 101 cases.

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Endoscopic retrograde appendicitis therapy (ERAT) was developed to diagnose and treat acute appendicitis. This study intended to share our clinical findings and therapeutic experience during its application.One hundred and one retrospective cases were

Stump appendicitis. A case report.

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BACKGROUND Today, the diagnosis of SA is usually not considered as the etiology for right lower quadrant pain in patient with history of appendectomy, resulting in delaying making the correct diagnosis and treatment. Obviously, other more common causes should be excluded first. CONCLUSIONS Stump

Medical mishap as a cause of non-resolving pneumonia.

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A 15-year old boy was referred for evaluation of fever, productive cough, and recurrent/persistent right lower lobe (RLL) pneumonia of 1-month duration. Chest computed tomography scan showed RLL consolidation, with minimal pleural effusion and a liver abscess with sharp borders, containing a solid

Right perinephric abscess: a rare presentation of ruptured retrocecal appendicitis.

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Perinephric abscess commonly arises from rupture of an intrarenal abscess into the perinephric space. It rarely results from gastrointestinal pathology. We report two pediatric patients with retrocecal appendicitis that presented with perinephric abscess. A 3-year-old girl presented with high fever

Appendicitis in children less than 3 years of age: a 28-year review.

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Appendicitis is the most common surgical abdominal emergency in the pediatric population, but is rarely considered in children less than 3 years of age. The goal of this study was to identify the presenting symptoms and signs in this age group and examine their subsequent management and outcome. A
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