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Hemifacial seizures and cerebellar ganglioglioma: an epilepsy syndrome of infancy with seizures of cerebellar origin.

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We investigated a 6-month-old infant with daily episodes of left hemifacial contraction, head and eye deviation to the right, nystagmoid jerks to the right, autonomic dysfunction, and retained consciousness. The episodes began on day 1 of life and were unresponsive to antiepileptic medication.

Epileptic seizures in anaplastic gangliogliomas.

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OBJECTIVE Prevalence and predictors of epileptic seizures are unknown in the malignant variant of ganglioglioma. METHODS In a retrospective exploratory dataset of 18 supratentorial anaplastic World Health Organization grade III gangliogliomas, we studied: (i) the prevalence and predictors of

A child with refractory complex partial seizures, right temporal ganglioglioma, contralateral continuous electrical status epilepticus, and a secondary Landau-Kleffner autistic syndrome.

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A 7-year-old, right-handed girl started to have seizures at age 1 year 4 months. She developed normally until age 4 when she had worsening of seizures with auditory verbal agnosia, complete aphasia, and a behavioral disorder fulfilling the diagnostic criteria of autism. Medical therapy failed. MRI

Evaluation, surgical approach and outcome of seizure patients with gangliogliomas.

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A retrospective study of 15 children with intracranial gangliogliomas and intractable seizures revealed that tumors associated with seizure were located in the temporal and frontal lobes. These patients underwent lobectomy under electrocorticography. Mesial temporal sclerosis was identified in the

Intracranial and spinal metastases from a ganglioglioma with unusual cytogenetic abnormalities in a patient with complex partial seizures.

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We describe an unusual clinical presentation of a ganglioglioma in a patient with complex partial seizures. The patient underwent a right temporal lobectomy with subtotal tumor resection at age 15 years, followed by a complete resection 1 year later. Follow-up MRI scan a year later documented

Factors associated with preoperative and postoperative epileptic seizure in patients with cerebral ganglioglioma.

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OBJECTIVE To explore the factors associated with preoperative epileptic seizure and surgical outcome in patients with cerebral gangliolioma (GG). METHODS A total of 31 consecutive patients with pathologically confirmed ganglioglioma and surgically treated from January 2003 to June 2011 in West China

Hemifacial seizure of cerebellar ganglioglioma origin: seizure control by tumor resection.

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The cerebellum is known to have an inhibitory effect on seizures. Nevertheless, cerebellar dysplastic lesions can be epileptogenic. A 4-month-old infant had paroxysmal facial contractions; tachypnea and nystagmoid eyeball and tremulous movements were occasionally combined. These evolved to

Pediatric epileptogenic gangliogliomas: seizure outcome and surgical results.

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OBJECTIVE Ganglioglioma is the most common neoplasm causing focal epilepsy, accounting for approximately 40% of all epileptogenic tumors and for 1-4% of all pediatric CNS tumors. The optimal surgical treatment for pediatric epileptogenic ganglioglioma has not been fully established. The authors

Supratentorial ganglioglioma and epilepsy: postoperative seizure outcome.

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Ganglioglioma is increasingly recognized as being a cause of epilepsy. However, controversy still exists regarding the type of surgery required for optimal seizure control. To find out the factors associated with seizure outcome and to clarify treatment guidelines, a retrospective analysis of 29

Seizure outcome with surgical management of epileptogenic ganglioglioma: a study of 55 patients.

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BACKGROUND Ganglioglioma is a common seizure-associated tumor, and some factors that may influence the postoperative seizure outcome have not been discussed or are controversial. The goal of this study was to observe the postoperative seizure outcome and the prognostic factors in patients with

Dysplastic Cerebellar Epilepsy: Complete Seizure Control Following Resection of a Ganglioglioma.

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Subcortical epilepsy has been a controversial issue, partially settled by evidence showing seizure generation in hypothalamic hamartomas and also by reports of seizures caused by cerebellar lesions. We report 4-year-old girl with right hemifacial seizures and autonomic phenomena, in whom MRI showed

Hemifacial seizures due to ganglioglioma of cerebellum.

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We present a male infant with hemifacial seizures refractory to antiepileptic medication. Hemifacial spasms around the left eye were frequent during wakefulness and sleep since birth. He also had mild psychomotor retardation. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a large tumor in the left middle

Intraoperative electrocorticography during tumor resection: impact on seizure outcome in patients with gangliogliomas.

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Gangliogliomas are indolent neoplasms that are often associated with long-standing intractable seizures. The seizure-free outcome following ganglioglioma resection alone (or "lesionectomy") has been generally favorable, ranging in most series from 50% to 65%. Thus, the value of resection of

Ganglioglioma in the cerebellopontine angle of an adult without seizures.

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We present a rare case of an adult patient without seizures who is found to have a ganglioglioma occurring in the cerebellopontine angle. A 52-year-old woman with ataxia, headaches, and falling episodes underwent neuroimaging. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a smooth, somewhat lobulated

Early surgical intervention in adult patients with ganglioglioma is associated with improved clinical seizure outcomes.

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Gangliogliomas are rare central nervous system tumors, most commonly affecting children and young adults. Chronic seizure and epilepsy are the most frequent presentation of patients with gangliogliomas. In this report, we review the modern literature regarding the effects of early surgical
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