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Pro-apoptotic effect and cytotoxicity of genistein and genistin in human ovarian cancer SK-OV-3 cells.

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We investigated the effects of genistein and genistin on proliferation and apoptosis of human ovarian SK-OV-3 cells and explored the mechanism for these effects. SK-OV-3 cells were treated with genistein and genistin at various concentrations (ranging from 1 to 100 muM) either alone or in

Phloridzin improves absorption of genistin in isolated rat small intestine.

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OBJECTIVE Cancer-protective effects of isoflavones like genistin or genistein are well known. High intakes and an adequate absorption rate of isoflavones are necessary for efficient chemoprevention, though other dietary agents might increase absorption efficacy. The aim of this study was to

Inhibition of orthotopic growth and metastasis of androgen-sensitive human prostate tumors in mice by bioactive soybean components.

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BACKGROUND Systematic analysis of the influence of diet on the initiation and progression of prostate cancer is often difficult in human populations, for which dietary variables overlap a diversity of genetic backgrounds and social behaviors. Animal models that emulate human prostate cancer allow

Soy isoflavones suppress invasiveness of breast cancer cells by the inhibition of NF-kappaB/AP-1-dependent and -independent pathways.

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High consumption of soy products in some Asian countries has been linked to the low incidence of breast cancer in women. The chemopreventive effect of the soy isoflavone, genistein, has been observed through the suppression of cell proliferation, inhibition of angiogenesis and stimulation of

Crohn's disease leading to bowel cancer may be avoided by consumption of soya isoflavones: adjunct-chemotherapy with oxaliplatin.

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Crohn's disease (inflammatory bowel syndrome) is caused by gut exposure to harmful reactive oxygen species (ROS) derived from oxygen, such as the superoxide anion ((.)O(2)'), the hydroxyl radical ((.)OH) or the peroxide anion (O(2)''): the superoxide anion is generated by breakdown of

Effects of isoflavones and soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis on lipopolysaccharide-induced production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and fibrinolysis in vivo.

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The effects of isoflavones and of a derivative of soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis, designated Nattoesse, on the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and fibrinolysis were investigated in vivo. The dietary supplement Nattoesse contains

Effects of soybean isoflavones on cell growth and apoptosis of the human prostatic cancer cell line LNCaP.

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BACKGROUND Epidemiological studies have suggested that soybean isoflavones are associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer. However, the mechanisms of prostate cancer prevention by soybean isoflavones have yet to be fully clarified. METHODS Two soybean isoflavones (genistein and daidzein) and

Plasma profiling of intact isoflavone metabolites by high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometric identification of flavone glycosides daidzin and genistin in human plasma after administration of kinako.

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The roles of isoflavones in the prevention of several hormone-dependent cancers and osteoporosis are of great interest. Despite many pharmacokinetics studies of the isoflavones, the actual types of conjugates circulating in the body and the position(s) of conjugation sites on the flavone skeleton

Addressing the soy and breast cancer relationship: review, commentary, and workshop proceedings.

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The impact of soyfood intake on breast cancer risk has been investigated extensively. Much of this focus can be attributed to the soybean being a dietary source that is uniquely rich in isoflavones. The chemical structure of isoflavones is similar to that of estrogen, and isoflavones bind to both

Isolating antigenotoxic components and cancer cell growth suppressors from agricultural by-products.

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Commercial processing wastes or by-products of crops were found to be sources of antimutagens and human tumor cell growth suppressors. We developed a microplate method to measure genomic DNA damage in Chinese hamster ovary cells with a modified single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) assay. This

[Effect of genistein combined with anastrozole on mammary tumors in ovariectomized rats].

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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the inhibitory effect of genistin combined with anastrozole on the growth and apoptosis of breast tumor tissue, and to study their anti-cancer mechanism by using the model of 7,12-dimethylbenz [alpha] anthracene (DMBA)-induced mammary tumors following ovariectomy in

Suppressive effects of dietary genistin and daidzin on rat prostate carcinogenesis.

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High intake of phytoestrogens through soybeans and their products is thought to be associated with low incidences of prostate and / or breast cancer in Asian countries. Possible chemopreventive effects of genistin or daidzin on rat prostate carcinogenesis were therefore investigated. Male F344 rats

Effects of soya consumption for one month on steroid hormones in premenopausal women: implications for breast cancer risk reduction.

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Soybean consumption is associated with reduced rates of breast, prostate, and colon cancer, which is possibly related to the presence of isoflavones that are weakly estrogenic and anticarcinogenic. We examined the effects of soya consumption on circulating steroid hormones in six healthy females

Cardioprotective Effects of Genistin in Rat Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Studies by Regulation of P2X7/NF-κB Pathway.

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The present study aimed to assess the effects and mechanisms of genistin in the rat model of myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury. The rat hearts were exposed to the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) ligation for 30 min followed by 1 h of reperfusion. In the rat of myocardial

Antiproliferative effects of isoflavones on human cancer cell lines established from the gastrointestinal tract.

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Seven isoflavones, biochanin A, daidzein, genistein, genistin, prunectin, puerarin, and pseudobaptigenin were tested for cytostatic and cytotoxic effects on 10 newly established cancer cell lines of the human gastrointestinal origin. Proliferation of HSC-41E6, HSC-45M2, and SH101-P4 stomach cancer
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