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Carbohydrate storage in wood and bark of rubber trees submitted to different level of C demand induced by latex tapping.

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When the current level of carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis is not enough to meet the C demand for maintenance, growth or metabolism, trees use stored carbohydrates. In rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.), however, a previous study (Silpi U., A. Lacointe, P. Kasemsap, S.

New insights into the molecular basis of lectin-carbohydrate interactions: a calorimetric and structural study of the association of hevein to oligomers of N-acetylglucosamine.

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Isothermal titration calorimetry was used to characterize thermodynamically the association of hevein, a lectin from the rubber tree latex, with the dimer and trimer of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc). Considering the changes in polar and apolar accessible surface areas due to complex formation, we

Allergenicity of Hev b 13, a major esterase allergen in natural rubber latex (Hevea brasiliensis) allergy, does not only depend on its carbohydrate moiety.

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The three-dimensional model built for the major latex allergen Hev b 13 consists of the typical organization of plant esterases made of a central bundle of five parallel beta-strands surrounded by five alpha-helices associated to two shorter alpha-helical segments. Up to 12 sets of sequential

Carbohydrate reserves as a competing sink: evidence from tapping rubber trees.

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Carbohydrate reserve storage in trees is usually considered a passive function, essentially buffering temporary discrepancies between carbon availability and demand in the annual cycle. Recently, however, the concept has emerged that storage might be a process that competes with other active sinks

Differential carbohydrate metabolism conducts morphogenesis in embryogenic callus of Hevea brasiliensis (Müll. Arg.).

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Somatic embryogenesis in Hevea is stimulated when the embryogenesis induction medium contains maltose, rather than glucose, fructose, or sucrose, in equimolarity (Blanc et al., 1999). Kinetic analyses were carried out on various physiological and biochemical indicators over the 8 weeks that the

Comparative study of two GH19 chitinase-like proteins from Hevea brasiliensis, one exhibiting a novel carbohydrate-binding domain.

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Plants express chitinase and chitinase-like proteins (CLPs) belonging to the glycosyl hydrolases of the GH18 and GH19 families, which exhibit varied functions. CLPs in the GH18 family have been structurally and functionally characterized; however, there are no structures available for any member of

The phosphatides of the latex of Hevea brasiliensis. 3. Carbohydrate and polyhydroxy constituents.

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Comparative transcriptome analysis of latex from rubber tree clone CATAS8-79 and PR107 reveals new cues for the regulation of latex regeneration and duration of latex flow.

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BACKGROUND Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) is the primarily commercial source of natural rubber in the world. Latex regeneration and duration of latex flow after tapping are the two factors that determine rubber yield of rubber tree, and exhibit a huge variation between rubber tree

Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Latex Reveals Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Increased Rubber Yield in Hevea brasiliensis Self-Rooting Juvenile Clones.

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Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) self-rooting juvenile clones (JCs) are promising planting materials for rubber production. In a comparative trial between self-rooting JCs and donor clones (DCs), self-rooting JCs exhibited better performance in rubber yield. To study the molecular mechanism

The isolation and composition of helical protein microfibrils from Hevea brasiliensis latex.

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1. The microfibrils contained within the lutoid particles of Hevea brasiliensis latex obtained from young tissue have been isolated by methods based on low-speed centrifugation, isoelectric precipitation and gel filtration. 2. The isolated microfibrils behave as a single protein having an

Structural analysis of the endogenous glycoallergen Hev b 2 (endo-β-1,3-glucanase) from Hevea brasiliensis and its recognition by human basophils.

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Endogenous glycosylated Hev b 2 (endo-β-1,3-glucanase) from Hevea brasiliensis is an important latex allergen that is recognized by IgE antibodies from patients who suffer from latex allergy. The carbohydrate moieties of Hev b 2 constitute a potentially important IgE-binding epitope that could be

Carbon isotope composition of latex does not reflect temporal variations of photosynthetic carbon isotope discrimination in rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis).

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Latex, the cytoplasm of laticiferous cells localized in the inner bark of rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.), is collected by tapping the bark. Following tapping, latex flows out of the trunk and is regenerated, whereas in untapped trees, there is no natural exudation. It is still unknown

Methane fermentation of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) latex effluent.

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Four species of bacteria capable of CH4 fermentation of rubber latex effluent were isolated and identified as a Methanococcus, a strain of M. vannielii, a Methanobacterium and a strain of M. omelianskii. Auxanographic tests using the four strains showed growth and CH4 formation on a basal medium

Physiological and Proteomic Analyses of Molybdenum- and Ethylene-Responsive Mechanisms in Rubber Latex.

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Molybdenum (Mo) is an essential micronutrient in many plants. In the rubber tree Hevea brasiliensis, Mo application can reduce the shrinkage of the tapping line, decrease tapping panel dryness, and finally increase rubber latex yield. After combined Mo with ethylene (Eth), these effects become more

Polyphenoloxidase silencing affects latex coagulation in Taraxacum species.

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Latex is the milky sap that is found in many different plants. It is produced by specialized cells known as laticifers and can comprise a mixture of proteins, carbohydrates, oils, secondary metabolites, and rubber that may help to prevent herbivory and protect wound sites against infection. The
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