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Vasogenic edema with intraparenchymatous expanding mass lesions: a theory on its pathophysiology and mode of action of hyperventilation and corticosteroids.

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Vasogenic edema with expanding mass brain lesions is hypothesized to be due to an increased intracapillary pressure. The latter may be due to preferential occlusion of the venous system by the growth of the lesion but endothelila proliferation and biogenic amines may also play a part. Endocytosis

Stress and the lung: hypersensitivity of airways, neurogenic pulmonary edema, and hyperventilation syndrome.

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[Changes in regional cerebral circulation in brain edema and the therapeutic influence of hyperventilation].

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Dialysis-induced worsening of cerebral edema in intracranial hemorrhage: a case series and clinical perspective.

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BACKGROUND Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) is not an uncommon complication of end-stage renal disease (ESRD), and may be complicated by cerebral edema. Hemodialysis (HD) may induce rapid osmolar and fluid shifts, increasing brain water content with the potential to worsen cerebral edema. The dangers

Pulmonary edema occurring after isoxsuprine and dexamethasone treatment for preterm labor: Case report.

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A case of maternal pulmonary edema occurring in a patient in the 32nd week of gestation is presented. This was our first case of pulmonary edema seen during a period of five years' usage of isoxsuprine in the treatment of premature labor. The patient presented was 28 years old, gravida 2, para 1,

New epilepsy seizure at high altitude without signs of acute mountain sickness or high altitude cerebral edema.

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Neurological disturbances may be present at high altitude independently of high altitude cerebral edema. We report here the case of a patient who experienced for the first time generalized seizures after spending a night at an altitude of 5200 m, with no preceding symptoms of acute mountain

[A case of traumatic subacute subdural hematoma presenting symptoms arising from cerebral hemispheric edema].

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Traumatic subacute subdural hematoma is a condition in which the major symptoms affecting prognosis most appear in the subacute stage after head trauma, while traumatic acute subdural hematoma is treated conservatively when the symptoms are mild. The cause of the major symptoms occurring in the

Hyperventilation in severe diabetic ketoacidosis.

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OBJECTIVE To explore whether the carbon dioxide-bicarbonate (P(CO(2))-HCO(3)) buffering system in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in diabetic ketoacidosis should influence the approach to ventilation in patients at risk of cerebral edema. METHODS Medline search, manual search of references in

Local "inverse steal" induced by hyperventilation in head injury.

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Hyperventilation is used routinely to reduce intracranial pressure in victims of severe head injury. In the clinical setting, the effects of hyperventilation on regional cerebral blood flow usually are not known. We describe a case in which hyperventilation resulted in local, paradoxic increases in

[Pulmonary edema following obstruction of the upper airway].

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The development of pulmonary edema after the relief of upper airway obstruction in two patients is described. Pulmonary edema in those patients was the result of increased negative intrapleural and intra-alveolar pressure during forceful inspiration and in the course of upper airway obstruction. An

Splanchnic circulation is maintained during passive hyperventilation in orthotopic liver recipients.

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BACKGROUND Mechanical hyperventilation is an established treatment to reduce brain edema and intracranial pressure in patients with encephalopathia caused by acute liver failure. Hyperventilation and ensuing hypocarbia may also affect central and systemic circulation and thereby influence graft

Early Hours in the Development of High Altitude Pulmonary Edema- Time Course and Mechanisms.

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Clinically evident high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) is one of severe cyanosis, dyspnea and edema. This usually occurs within 1-2 days of ascent often with additional stresses of exercise and sleep-related hypoventilation. The earliest events in HAPE occur rapidly and progress through clinically

Recurrent high-permeability pulmonary edema associated with diabetic ketoacidosis.

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Delayed-onset pulmonary edema complicating severe diabetic ketoacidosis was observed twice in one patient. Hemodynamic measurements during the second episode showed normal transmural pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, suggesting an alteration in alveolocapillary permeability. Hyperventilation and

[Conservative treatment of brain edema--which way is leading to Rome?].

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In patients with brain edema the pathophysiology of the different forms of edema have to be considered to ensure the prompt, sensible and consistent use of the limited treatment modalities available. Brain edema may be classified into cytotoxic and vasogenic edema, these two types often coexist in

Brain edema in liver failure: basic physiologic principles and management.

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In patients with severe liver failure, brain edema is a frequent and serious complication that may result in high intracranial pressure and brain damage. This short article focuses on basic physiologic principles that determine water flux across the blood-brain barrier. Using the Starling equation,
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