Haitian Creole

kaposi varicelliform eruption/erythema

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A case of atopic dermatitis and erythema multiforme.

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We report a case of a two-year-old boy with atopic dermatitis treated with antibiotics for pharyngitis and acute otitis media and subsequently developed targetoid and ulcerated blister mucocutaneous lesions. Diagnostic workup revealed eczema herpeticum and HSV viremia. To our knowledge, this is the

[Acute skin infections and their imitators in children : A photo quiz].

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BACKGROUND Skin infections account for 40% of emergency visits in pediatric dermatology. It is important to promptly recognize skin infections with potential complications and initiate treatment. However some characteristic skin findings may imitate skin infections and are often

Safety and tolerability of 1% pimecrolimus cream among infants: experience with 1133 patients treated for up to 2 years.

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Pimecrolimus is a calcineurin inhibitor developed for the topical treatment of atopic dermatitis. During the clinical development of 1% pimecrolimus cream, 1133 patients 3 to 23 months of age with mild to severe atopic dermatitis were treated for up to 2 years. The objective of this review is to

Smallpox vaccination and adverse reactions. Guidance for clinicians.

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The guidance in this report is for evaluation and treatment of patients with complications from smallpox vaccination in the preoutbreak setting. Information is also included related to reporting adverse events and seeking specialized consultation and therapies for these events. The frequencies of

What's new with common, uncommon and rare rashes in childhood.

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OBJECTIVE Children with rashes account for many of the outpatient visits to a general pediatrician. As such, pediatricians are often the first to identify and treat these rashes. Establishing an approach to common, uncommon and rare pediatric rashes assists in accurate assessment. This review

Smallpox vaccine complications: the dermatologist's role in diagnosis and management.

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In 2002, the United States implemented a new program for smallpox vaccinations among military personnel using a live vaccinia virus product. Approximately 2.4 million US military service members and health care workers have since been inoculated, with considerable numbers experiencing adverse

Surveillance guidelines for smallpox vaccine (vaccinia) adverse reactions.

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CDC and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration rely on state and local health departments, health-care providers, and the public to report the occurrence of adverse events after vaccination to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. With such data, trends can be accurately monitored, unusual

[Virus diseases of the mouth mucosa].

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In accordance with the system of viral species, viral disorders of the oral mucosa may be classified with regard to their intensity of affection. There are but few viral infections exclusively affecting the oral mucosa like e.g. 1. Glossitis papulosa of Michelson, representing a special form of

Contemporary antiviral drug regimens for the prevention and treatment of orolabial and anogenital herpes simplex virus infection in the normal host: Four approved indications and 13 off-label uses.

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Herpes simplex virus (HSV) orolabial and anogenital infection causes substantial and recurring disease in healthy individuals due directly to infection of these sites and, indirectly, due to its complications. These complications include eczema herpeticum plus erythema multiforme and neonatal HSV

Treatment of mucocutaneous presentations of herpes simplex virus infections.

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Infections by herpes simplex virus (HSV) types I and II are diverse and quite frequent. After primary infection, the virus establishes a life-long latency in the sensory ganglia and recrudescences may occur at an unpredictable rate. Recurrent labial and genital herpes infections represent the

The role of oral acyclovir in the management of genital herpes simplex.

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Oral acyclovir is an antiviral nucleoside analogue that has recently been released in Canada for use in selected patients with genital infections by the herpes simplex virus. First episodes of genital herpes should be treated with oral acyclovir as soon as the diagnosis is considered. Most people

Recurrent herpes labialis in the pediatric population: Prevalence, therapeutic studies, and associated complications.

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Recurrent herpes labialis (RHL) is an incredibly common condition, though the medical literature evaluating pediatric aspects is limited. This paper assesses prevalence and therapeutic studies of pediatric RHL as well as disease complications. A comprehensive literature search of English-language

[Comparison of complement fixation and Tzanck smear tests for the diagnosis of herpes labialis].

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In this study, the serum antibody titer of Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) in 82 patients with herpes labialis and 100 controls was determined using the complement fixation test. In own experience, the Tzanck smear test (reported to be an aid in the diagnosis of HSV infection) was of no value.

Herpes simplex virus type 1 as a cause of widespread intracorneal blistering of the lower limbs.

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Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections often manifest as acute self-limiting eruptions of grouped vesicles, which have a tendency to recur. Common manifestations include that of gingivostomatitis, vulvovaginitis, recurrent erythema multiforme, herpetic whitlow, and eczema herpeticum. We report a case

Management of non-genital herpes simplex virus infections in immunocompetent patients.

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Non-genital herpes simplex virus in immunocompetent hosts causes a variety of primary infections--gingivostomatitis, keratoconjunctivitis, herpetic whitlow, and encephalomyelitis. Recurrent infections with orolabialis are very common, but are usually mild and self-limiting. Cutaneous complications
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