Haitian Creole

liver abscess/protease

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Amebic cysteine proteinase 2 (EhCP2) plays either a minor or no role in tissue damage in acute experimental amebic liver abscess in hamsters.

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Amebic cysteine protease 2 (EhCP2) was purified from ethyl ether extracts of axenically grown trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica strain HM1-IMSS. The purification procedure involved molecular filtration and electroelution. Sequence analysis of the purified product revealed EhCP2 and ubiquitin(s).

Experimental amoebic liver abscess in hamsters caused by trophozoites of a Brazilian strain of Entamoeba dispar.

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It has been claimed that amoebic molecules such as amoebapore, galactose/N-acetyl galactosamine inhibitable lectin, and cysteine proteases are responsible for host tissue destruction and are present in both pathogenic Entamoeba histolytica and non-pathogenic Entamoeba dispar. Some reports have

Modulation of endogenous Cysteine Protease Inhibitor (ICP) 1 expression in Entamoeba histolytica affects amoebic adhesion to Extracellular Matrix proteins.

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Entamoeba histolytica is an enteric tissue-invading protozoan parasite that causes amoebic colitis and occasionally liver abscess in humans. During tissue invasion, amoebic adhesion to host components is an important event for host cell death leading to successful invasion and infection. Among

Entamoeba histolytica Cyclooxygenase-Like Protein Regulates Cysteine Protease Expression and Virulence.

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The intestinal protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica (Eh) causes amebiasis associated with severe diarrhea and/or liver abscess. Eh pathogenesis is multifactorial requiring both parasite virulent molecules and host-induced innate immune responses. Eh-induced host

Biochemical and biological characterizations and ribotyping of Actinomyces pyogenes and Actinomyces pyogenes-like organisms from liver abscesses in cattle.

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Actinomyces pyogenes is the second most frequently encountered pathogen, next only to Fusobacterium necrophorum, in liver abscesses of feedlot cattle. Ninety-one isolates, presumptively identified as A. pyogenes, isolated from liver abscesses of cattle were studied. Biochemical characteristics

Characteristics of inflammatory reactions during development of liver abscess in hamsters inoculated with Entamoeba nuttalli.

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Entamoeba nuttalli is an intestinal protozoan with pathogenic potential that can cause amebic liver abscess. It is highly prevalent in wild and captive macaques. Recently, cysts were detected in a caretaker of nonhuman primates in a zoo, indicating that E. nuttalli may be a zoonotic pathogen.

Serum protease inhibitors in opisthorchiasis, hepatoma, cholangiocarcinoma, and other liver diseases.

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Serum alpha 1-antitrypsin, alpha 1-antichymotrypsin and alpha 2-macroglobulin increased significantly in patients suffering from liver diseases: hepatoma, amoebic liver abscess, hepatitis, hepatic cirrhosis, cholangiocarcinoma, carcinoma of the head of pancreas including liver fluke infection

Amoebic liver abscess production by Entamoeba dispar.

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Although Entamoeba dispar displays a similar morphology to Entamoeba histolytica, cellular and molecular studies have revealed significant differences between these two amoebae, including the former being characterized as non-pathogenic and the later as pathogenic. However, recent in vivo and in

Immunization with the Entamoeba histolytica surface metalloprotease EhMSP-1 protects hamsters from amebic liver abscess.

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Diarrhea and amebic liver abscesses due to invasive Entamoeba histolytica infections are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in the developing world. Entamoeba histolytica adherence and cell migration, two phenotypes linked to virulence, are both aberrant in trophozoites deficient in the

Reduced expression of a rhomboid protease, EhROM1, correlates with changes in the submembrane distribution and size of the Gal/GalNAc lectin subunits in the human protozoan parasite, Entamoeba histolytica.

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Entamoeba histolytica is a food- and waterborne parasite that causes amebic dysentery and amoebic liver abscesses. Adhesion is one of the most important virulence functions as it facilitates motility, colonization of host, destruction of host tissue, and uptake of nutrients by the parasite. The

Entamoeba histolytica-secreted cysteine proteases induce IL-8 production in human mast cells via a PAR2-independent mechanism.

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Entamoeba histolytica is an extracellular tissue parasite causing colitis and occasional liver abscess in humans. E. histolytica-derived secretory products (SPs) contain large amounts of cysteine proteases (CPs), one of the important amoebic virulence factors. Although tissue-residing mast cells

Entamoeba histolytica and amoebic liver abscess in northern Sri Lanka: a public health problem.

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Entamoeba histolytica (E. histolytica) is a facultative protozoan parasite implicated in amoebic liver abscesses (ALA), the most common extraintestinal manifestation of this infection. E. histolytica is endemic to sub-tropical and tropical countries and has been a major public

Peroxynitrite and peroxiredoxin in the pathogenesis of experimental amebic liver abscess.

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The molecular mechanisms by which Entamoeba histolytica causes amebic liver abscess (ALA) are still not fully understood. Amebic mechanisms of adherence and cytotoxic activity are pivotal for amebic survival but apparently do not directly cause liver abscess. Abundant evidence indicates that chronic

Use of a Dictyostelium model for isolation of genetic loci associated with phagocytosis and virulence in Klebsiella pneumoniae.

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Phagocytosis resistance is an important virulence factor in Klebsiella pneumoniae. Dictyostelium has been used to study the interaction between phagocytes and bacteria because of its similarity to mammalian macrophages. In this study, we used a Dictyostelium model to investigate genes for resistance

Pathogenesis of acute experimental liver amebiasis.

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Classical descriptions of the pathology of amebiasis portray the parasite as the cause of tissue damage and destruction, and in recent years a number of amebic molecules have been identified as virulence factors. In this review we describe a series of experiments that suggest a more complex
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