Haitian Creole

lymphoproliferative disorders/phosphatase

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Correlation between the rosette test with neuraminidase-treated sheep red blood cells and acid phosphatase activity in lymphocytes from patients with lymphoproliferative disease.

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In 14 adult patients suffering from lymphoproliferative diseases, the relation between numbers of lymphocytes determined by the rosette test (nSE) with neuraminidase-treated sheep red blood cells and numbers of lymphocytes giving a positive reaction for acid phosphatase was determined. Statistical

Expression of SHP-1 phosphatase indicates post-germinal center cell derivation of B-cell posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorders.

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SHP-1 tyrosine phosphatase acts as a negative regulator of signaling by receptors for growth factors, cytokines, and chemokines and by receptors involved in immune response. Our recent study showed that SHP-1 is tightly regulated at various stages of B-cell differentiation and is expressed in the

Serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in lymphoproliferative diseases.

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A new isoenzyme of alkaline phosphatase (EC has been reported to occur in sera from patients with lymphoproliferative diseases. This enzyme is characterized by an inability to hydrolyze cysteamine S-phosphate. We find that the 5,5'-dithobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid)-coupled assay method for

Iron, transferrin, and acid and alkaline phosphatase in healthy turkeys and in turkeys inoculated with the lymphoproliferative disease virus.

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Presented are data on iron-binding capacity determinations in the serum of turkeys infected with lymphoproliferative disease (LPD) virus and in healthy males and females (laying eggs and nonlaying) from a breeding flock. Also presented are results of serum and tissue total acid and alkaline

Acid phosphatase activity of the lymphocytes during polychemotherapy of lymphoproliferative diseases.

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In 4 adults with malignant lymphoma and in 3 cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia the acid phosphatase activity in lymphocytes during the consecutive cycles of polychemotherapy was examined paralelly with the estimation of the receptors for sheep erythrocytes. Depression of the enzymatic reaction

Expression of FMC7 antigen and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoenzyme in cases of B-lymphoproliferative diseases.

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A panel of different B-cell malignancies representing various stages of B-cell differentiation were analyzed for the expression of an antigen labeled by the monoclonal antibody FMC7 and of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TracP) activity. The FMC7 antigen and TracP were not found on early

N-alkaline phosphatase: a potential disease marker for lymphoproliferative disorders.

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A characteristic alkaline phosphatase (orthophosphoric monoester hydrolase, alkaline pH optimum, EC was detected in the sera of most patients with infectious mononucleosis, acute and chronic lymphatic leukaemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Burkitt's lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma. The

[Lymphocyte acid phosphatase in several lymphoproliferative disorders preliminary report (author's transl)].

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Cysteamine S-phosphate hydrolysis by pure human alkaline phosphatases and by sera from patients with lymphoproliferative disorders.

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[Chronic lymphoproliferative disorder resembling hairy-cell leukemia (author's transl)].

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Seven patients are presented with a chronic lymphoproliferative disorder characterized clinically by splenomegaly, no or discrete lymphnode enlargement, and a varying degree of cytopenia. In blood and bone-marrow smears lymphoid cells of "hairy" appearance are demonstrable which may contain

The phosphotyrosine phosphatase inhibitor-phenylarsine oxide restores defective phosphoinositide hydrolysis response in anergic C3H-gld/gld lymphocytes.

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Mice homozygous for the gld (generalized lymphoproliferative disease) mutation develop both lymphadenopathy and autoimmune disease. CD4-CD8- (double negative, DN) T cells comprise the major population of T cells in mature C3H-gld/gld peripheral lymphoid tissues. These DN T cells are unresponsive to

CD11c (LEU-M5) expression characterizes a B-cell chronic lymphoproliferative disorder with features of both chronic lymphocytic leukemia and hairy cell leukemia.

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Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and hairy cell leukemia (HCL) are two common chronic lymphoproliferative disorders, each having characteristic clinical, morphologic, and immunologic features. Phenotypically, CD5 reactivity in CLL and CD11c (Leu-M5) reactivity in HCL have characterized these two

Analysis of IL-2, IL-4 and their receptors in clonally-related cell lines derived from a patient with a progressive cutaneous T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder.

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Three clonally related T-cell lymphoma lines (PB-1, 2A, and 2B) were examined for expression of IL-2, IL-4, and their receptors. All three lines were derived from a single patient who had an atypical, progressive T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder involving primarily skin (Davis, T.H. et al. 1992,

Monoclonal lymphocytosis with villous lymphocytes: a chronic lymphoproliferative disease of CD11c+ B-cells.

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Most of the circulating lymphocytes from three asymptomatic adults (one male, two female, age range 61-67 years) with isolated persistent lymphocytosis of between 7.1 and 10 x 10(9)/l possessed characteristic villous projections of the cell membrane. Morphological, histochemical, ultrastructural,

CD3+, CD4-, CD8- large granular T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder.

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Large granular T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder (LGTLD) is a heterogeneous disorder covering a broad spectrum of diseases and requiring further subdivision. Most reported cases emphasized its suppressor phenotype (T gamma cell or CD8+), but we encountered two cases of CD3+, CD4-, CD8- LGTLD. Both
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