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Effect of continuous intravenous infusion of secretin preparation (secrepan) in patients with hemorrhage from chronic peptic ulcer and AGML.

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This study was conducted to evaluate the hemostatic effect of continuous intravenous infusion of secrepan (secretin preparation, Eisai Company Ltd. Tokyo) on gastroduodenal hemorrhage in patients with chronic peptic ulcer and AGML (acute gastric mucosal lesion). The patients consisted of 37 cases of

Effect of continuous intravenous infusion of secretin preparation (secrepan) in patients with hemorrhage from chronic peptic ulcer and acute gastric mucosal lesion (AGML).

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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the hemostatic effect of continuous intravenous infusion of secrepan (secretin preparation, Eisai Company Ltd. Tokyo) on gastroduodenal hemorrhage in patients with chronic peptic ulcer and AGML (acute gastric mucosal lesion). The patients consisted

Secretin and somatostatin in the treatment of upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage.

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Secretin inhibits gastric secretion of acid and gastrin in dog and a physiological role of secretin as an enterogastrone has been suggested in this species. In man there are diverging results concerning the effect of secretin on gastric secretion. Secretin has been used in patients with upper

[Therapy of bleeding mucosal erosion of the stomach with secretin].

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In a prospective study patients with bleeding from acute gastric mucosal lesions were treated by i.v. infusions of secretin. 67 patients received natural secretin (Karolinska-Institut Stockholm), 14 patients received synthetic secretin (Firma Hoechst Frankfurt). In 64 of the 67 patients (95%) who

[Treatment of hemorrhage from acute gastric and duodenal mucosa lesions with secretin].

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In a prospective study 67 patients with bleeding from acute gastric mucosal lesions were treated by intravenous infusion of secretin. In 64 of the 67 patients bleeding stopped during secretin infusion. In 16 of these 64, bleeding recurred after cessation of the secretin infusion; all recurrences

Effect of secretin on stress-induced gastric bleeding in rats.

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The effect of secretin on gastric bleeding induced by water (20 degrees C) immersion stress was studied by means of either perfusion of hydrochloric acid (0.13 N) or instillation of hydrochloric acid solution (0.4 N) into the rat stomach. When the stomach was perfused with acid solution, gastric

[Comparative treatment of gastroduodenal haemorrhage with secretin and cimetidine].

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In a prospective multicenter study 71 patients with acute, non-arterial gastroduodenal haemorrhage from ulcers or stress lesions were treated alternately with synthetic secretin (Hoe 0690 (n = 35) or with cimetidine (n = 36). Both medications were given by infusion over 48 hours. Prior to

Somatostatin versus secretin in the treatment of actively bleeding gastric erosions.

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In a double-blind, prospective, randomized trial, 63 patients with actively bleeding gastric erosions were treated with somatostatin (31 patients) or secretin (32 patients). Both drugs were administered by intravenous infusions for 48 or 72 h. The active bleeding and the effect of the therapy was

[Effect of cimetidine and synthetic secretin as treatment of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding--a prospective alternate trial (author's transl)].

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The effect of cimetidine respectively synthetic secretin was investigated in a prospective alternate trial on 20 patients with an acute non arterial bleeding from acute ulcers respectively hemorrhagic erosions of the stomach or duodenal bulb. 48 hours after beginning therapy the bleeding stopped in

[Effect of cimetidine and secretin on acute bleedings from gastroduodenal ulcers and erosions: a prospective study (author's transl)].

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In a prospective, alternating study 33 patients with ulcer or stress lesions were treated for active nonarterial bleeding with cimetidine (16 subjects) or synthetic secretin (17 subjects). Persistence of bleeding was confirmed endoscopically before onset. Both drugs were given intravenously over 48

[Secretin versus cimetidine in the therapy of active bleeding from peptic gastroduodenal lesions. A prospective, randomized, double-blind, multicentric study].

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In a multicentric, prospective, double-blind, randomized trial 101 patients with active bleeding (Forrest, Type 1/b) from gastroduodenal ulcers or erosions were treated with secretin (n = 50, dose: 800 clinic units/24 hours) or cimetidine (n = 51, dose: 75 mg/hour). The bleeding and the effect of

[Secretin versus somatostatin in acute hemorrhage of gastroduodenal ulcers and erosions: a randomized trial].

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In a randomized trial the efficiency of synthetic secretin (0,25 clinical units/kg bw/h; 15 patients) was compared with that of synthetic somatostatin (250 micrograms/h, 15 patients) in treatment of severe acute non arterial bleeding from peptic ulcers or stress lesions in the upper digestive tract.

[Use of secretin in the treatment of acute hemorrhaging gastroduodenal ulcer].

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Therapy and prevention of gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding by somatostatin, secretin or cimetidine.

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Failure of secretin to exert an ameliorative effect on acute reflux pancreatitis in the rat.

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This study was undertaken to evaluate the possible ameliorative effect of secretin on acute reflux pancreatitis in the rat. Thirty days after the performance of a gastrojejunal anstomosis, in all rats (36 Sprague-Dawley, mean weight 250 g) acute pancreatitis was induced by creating a closed duodenal
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