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Severe headaches following smallpox vaccination.

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Headaches are common following smallpox vaccination; the re-introduction of civilian vaccination necessitates better understanding of the clinical features and outcome of postvaccination headache. We identified patients reporting headache following vaccination from among those reported to the U.S.

Neurologic adverse events associated with smallpox vaccination in the United States--response and comment on reporting of headaches as adverse events after smallpox vaccination among military and civilian personnel.

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BACKGROUND Accurate reporting of adverse events occurring after vaccination is an important component of determining risk-benefit ratios for vaccinations. Controversy has developed over alleged underreporting of adverse events within U.S. military samples. This report examines the accuracy of

Vaccines for preventing smallpox.

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BACKGROUND Smallpox was eradicated by 1980, but its possible use as a bioweapon has rekindled interest in the development of protective vaccines. Therefore, stockpiled calf lymph-derived vaccines and recently developed cell-cultured vaccines have been investigated to contribute information to

Neurologic adverse events associated with smallpox vaccination in the United States, 2002-2004.

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BACKGROUND Neurologic illness is an infrequent but severe adverse event associated with smallpox vaccination. The reinstatement of smallpox vaccination in the United States in response to possible bioterrorism renewed concerns about vaccine-related adverse neurologic events. OBJECTIVE To determine

Urticaria, exanthems, and other benign dermatologic reactions to smallpox vaccination in adults.

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A phase 1 smallpox vaccine trial involving 350 adult volunteers was conducted. Of these subjects, 250 were naive to vaccinia virus vaccine (i.e., "vaccinia naive"). Volunteers received a new cell-cultured smallpox vaccine or a live vaccinia virus vaccine. Nine self-limiting rashes (3.6%) were

Smallpox vaccination and adverse reactions. Guidance for clinicians.

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The guidance in this report is for evaluation and treatment of patients with complications from smallpox vaccination in the preoutbreak setting. Information is also included related to reporting adverse events and seeking specialized consultation and therapies for these events. The frequencies of

Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg illness.

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When Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address, he was weak and dizzy; his face had a ghastly colour. That evening on the train to Washington, DC, he was febrile and weak, and suffered severe headaches. The symptoms continued; back pains developed. On the fourth day of the illness, a

Pandanus odoratissimus (Kewda): A Review on Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemistry, and Nutritional Aspects.

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Pandanus odoratissimus Linn. (family: Pandanaceae) is traditionally recommended by the Indian Ayurvedic medicines for treatment of headache, rheumatism, spasm, cold/flu, epilepsy, wounds, boils, scabies, leucoderma, ulcers, colic, hepatitis, smallpox, leprosy, syphilis, and cancer and as a

Tanapox: a new disease caused by a pox virus.

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Two epidemics of a new virus disease, tanapox, occurred in 1957 and 1962 among the Wapakomo tribe along the Tana River in Kenya. Several hundred people were affected by a short febrile illness with headache and prostration and the disease was characterized by a single pock-like lesion on the upper

Reemergence of monkeypox: prevalence, diagnostics, and countermeasures.

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Human monkeypox is a viral zoonotic disease that occurs mostly in the rain forests of central and western Africa. However, the disease recently emerged in the United States in imported wild rodents from Africa. Monkeypox has a clinical presentation very similar to that of ordinary forms of smallpox,

Understanding COVID-19 in the light of epidemic disease described in Unani medicine

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Unani system of medicine is based on the humoral theory postulated by Hippocrates, according to him the state of body health and disease are regulated by qualitative and quantitative equilibrium of four humours. Amraz-e-Waba is an umbrella term which is used in Unani medicine for all types of

In vitro activity of neem (Azadirachta indica) oil extract against Helicobacter pylori.

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The neem tree (Azadirachta indica A.Juss), of the Meliaceae family, has been used in India for millennia in traditional medicine. Parts of the tree are used to treat problems with the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, and hair; to combat infections of smallpox and plasmodium; and

Mass psychogenic illness after vaccination.

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When vaccines are administered to groups, the physical reactions of the recipients may be similar, causing a form of mass reaction, the mechanism for which is the same as that for mass reactions from other causes. These phenomena have been categorised as mass psychogenic illness (MPI), and have been

Natural human infections with Vaccinia virus during bovine vaccinia outbreaks.

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BACKGROUND Bovine vaccinia is an exanthematic disease caused by Vaccinia virus (VACV). This zoonosis has been associated with several cases of bovine infection, particularly in milk herds. Farmers, milkers and their close contacts developed lesions on the hands, forearms, legs and face accompanied
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