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Three menstruating adolescents using tampons colonized with Staphylococcus aureus developed high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain followed by conjunctival injection and a sunburn-like rash. Two girls had transient orthostatic hypotension but none developed shock or evidence of multiple
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Solar burn reactivation, a rare and idiosyncratic drug reaction, has been reported with the use of a variety of drugs. This reaction is believed to be the result of exposure to ultraviolet light during the subsiding phase of an acute inflammatory reaction. It affects areas of the body that have been
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An outbreak of an illness suggestive of boric acid poisoning occurred among 51 persons who had eaten lunch at the cafeteria of the United States Agency for International Development in Islamabad, Pakistan, on February 11, 1990. Affected patients had headache and severe myalgias 2 to 4 hours after
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5-methoxypsoralen (5-MOP) is considered an alternative to 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) for photochemotherapy of psoriasis. We have compared the clinical efficacy and tolerability of 5-MOP (1.2 mg/kg)-UVA versus 8-MOP (0.6 mg/kg)-UVA therapy in 25 patients of skin type III and IV, affected by relapsing
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An 18-year-old school girl was referred for admission by another hospital because of headache, joint pains, fever, vomiting, diarrhoea and orthostatic syncope associated with renal failure. On admission he was somnolent with a blood pressure of 90/60 mmHg, heart rate of 104 beats/min and a
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Dibucaine is a potent, long-lasting local anesthetic (LA). Topical dibucaine ointments are marketed directly to consumers in the USA without prescription. Dibucaine ointment is intended to treat discomfort associated with sunburn, eczema, minor rashes, minor scratches, insect bites, and
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Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is an acute febrile illness accompanied by watery diarrhea, sunburn rash, vomiting, hypotension, and multiple organ involvement. When it was initially recognized 20 years ago, TSS was primarily associated with menstruation. Since then, the frequency of menstrual TSS has
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Objective: We sought to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and patterns of use for the once-daily oral, narrow-spectrum antibiotic sarecycline in patients with moderate-to-severe acne vulgaris during a 40-week Phase III, multicenter, open-label extension study. Participants: Patients
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Side effects may limit the use of current tetracycline-class antibiotics for acne.
Evaluate the efficacy and safety of once-daily sarecycline, a novel, narrow-spectrum tetracycline-class antibiotic, in moderate to severe acne.
Patients 9-45 years with moderate to severe
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